tired || (request - @Justice_Beauty)

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thank you for requesting! <33
The first time Jc called I ignored it and figured he would assume I was busy or otherwise occupied. My phone was now ringing for the sixth time and if I had to hear the ringtone one more time, I was going to scream.

"When people don't answer their phone it's usually for a reason," I grumbled, barely above a whisper so as not to aggravate my headache anymore than this phone call was already doing.

"How could you have forgotten?" He was skipping right over a hello and going straight into the conversation.

I kept my eyes closed and tried to think what day it was, but I was still coming up blank on what I could be forgetting. Instead of admitting that, I burrowed deeper in my blanket and tried to sound sure of myself. "Of course I didn't forget."

He chuckled, knowing that I didn't have a clue what  was going on. "Your birthday dinner with all of us? Franny and Nezza can't make it but the rest of us can!" I groaned and could practically see the face he was making. "Fine, we don't have to do nice things for you."

"No, no I'm sorry. I'm just," I hesitated, not wanting to say that I felt sick because that would turn into everyone fussing over me and I didn't want that. "Tired. But I can be ready and at your house in half an hour?"

He hesitated on his response. "We can do it some other night if you're too tired?"

"No! Really, I'll get coffee and be good to go. See you later!" I let myself enjoy the last few seconds of quiet before dragging myself up to get ready. I hoped that is was going to be something casual because I didn't have the energy to go all out.

I took some Tylenol to hopefully quell my headache and headed over to the house where everyone was already waiting outside. Danny ran over and tackled me in a hug, his yelling making me wince. I was glad that he was tall enough that my face was covered my his chest.

"Jc said you tried to back out from your own birthday dinner," Dyl said, hugging me as well when Danny had pulled away. However, he quickly let go and frowned at me, his hand resting on the side of my neck. "Why are you so hot?"

I hugged my arms around myself, rubbing them to make my lie more believable. "I was freezing and had the heat the whole way up,"

"Why are girls so sensitive?" Oscar was teasingly poking me and I glared at him. "See?"

"No being mean to her while we celebrate her birthday," Danny said, coming between Oscar and I. "I think you're going to be in Kian's car."

I gripped onto Danny's arm in desperation, shaking my head. "I really can't take Kian's driving. I love him to death but I feel like I'm going to die every time I am forced to be in a car with him." I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I smiled up at Kian. "You heard the part where I said I loved you to death, right?"

"Yeah, doesn't make the insult less hurtful," he said, miming someone stabbing him in the heart. "But I guess it would be okay for you to ride with Danny instead. He just got his permit though, so you could still die."

He glared at the insinuation of him being sixteen and led me over to his car. As soon as I sank into the passenger seat I sighed and leaned my head back, the Tylenol still not kicking in. He froze with his hand on the key and frowned at me. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just tired." He nodded but he was still looking at me from the corner of his eye the entire drive. It hadn't seemed like that long before we got to the restaurant, and I took another deep breath which Danny didn't miss. He didn't say anything and we met the other guys who were waiting for us outside.

The restaurant looked peaceful on the outside, but inside the music was rattling the floor and it felt like I had stepped into a live concert. I somehow followed the boys to a table and acted like I was just leaning my head on my hand so I could rub my temple.

"We're paying so get whatever you want," Will said, smiling and pointing at my unopened menu.

Instead of going away, my headache had multiplied and it was now making me nauseous, but I gave him a thankful smile and picked something quickly.

The longer we sat there, the more the boys gave me suspicious looks, and Danny finally leaned close so I could hear him over the sounds of the restaurant. "Don't you like your food?" I knew I had spent most of the time just pushing things around with my fork and I replied with a shrug. "We can get you something else?"

I shook my head, the movement making it feel like it was going to split open and I sniffled, trying hard not to cry. Will's hand on my shoulder made it more difficult and I took in a shaky breath. "I don't feel good," I whimpered and Will pulled me into his side.

"(Y/N), why didn't you tell someone? We could have just postponed," he said. "You're really warm."

Danny told everyone else to stay and that he would take me home. I felt horrible and kept telling everyone how sorry I was but they waved me off and told me to feel better.

Instead of taking me to my house, Danny stopped in the C4 House driveway. He ignored my confusion and came around to open my door for me, closing it as carefully as he could so he wouldn't make too much noise. "No way any of us will want you by yourself," he said, pointing to the couch.

"Honestly it isn't a big deal Danny. I just need to sleep it off, I think. I already took Tylenol," I said, making him pull the pills away from me. "I'm fine."

"Lay down and shut up," he said as he made his way upstairs.

"I thought we couldn't be mean to me while celebrating my birthday?" He smiled over his shoulder and I waited to see what he was doing, frowning when he came back with clothes. "What are those?"

"You are now the proud owner of some KnJ sweatpants and an Unbroken t-shirt. Now go change, drink some water, and go to bed," he said.

I took the clothes and hugged him on my way past. "You're the best, thank you."

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