saddle ranch || d. seavey (request - @melfromtheshire)

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thanks so much for requesting! <33
"Now explain to me why everyone loves this place so much?" I was helping Natalie clean up the latest of the messes caused by David's vlog while she was trying to sell me on the idea of going to Saddle Ranch for Heath's birthday tonight.

"They have good food," she began but I gave her a look that told her I probably knew the real reason. "And it's fun to drink there, I suppose but it's not that big of a deal. The food is the main thing."

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through multiple pictures from the Vlog Squad group chat, all of them containing highly intoxicated people. "But the food is the main thing, right?"

"Okay fine, they do drink a lot there but I promise it'll be fun! A ton of influencers go there so we're bound to run into tons of our friends! I think Kian and Jc were invited." I wrinkled my nose at the thought of more socializing and she rolled her eyes. "You're going."

"Natalie," I whined, no longer helping and pouting instead. "I don't feel like watching all of you get drunk and turning into the babysitter for the night."

She shook her head, even though she knew that's what it was bound to turn into. "We'll all be on our best behavior for you, okay? Plus it's the middle of the week so no one will be that drunk."

"That has never stopped any of you before," I pointed out and she gave me an offended frown. "But I will trust you and come along, and the food better be good."

I left Natalie alone to finish cleaning and went home to take a nap until I had to leave. I loved Heath and wanted to celebrate his birthday with him, but the thought of going to this restaurant tonight was already exhausting me. Or maybe I was exhausted in general. The worst part was that I was more tired when I woke up than when I had fallen asleep, but I sucked it up and followed the directions Natalie had sent me.

I found a parking spot after fifteen minutes of looking, which had made me a little late. I texted in our group chat to let them know I was here and waited for a response, watching a camera crew pace up and down the streets as if they were waiting for someone.

Heath said I could just walk in and I would see them, so I grabbed my bag and opened the door. Before I could even put my foot down on the ground, the crew was swarming around me with a bright light shining directly in my eyes.

"(Y/N), it's so great to finally catch up with you! I feel like I chase you all around Hollywood and can never seem to catch up with you!" I blinked and slightly shielded my eyes, trying to decide if I should know him from somewhere. He sensed the confusion and gestured to the surrounding people. "We're with Hollywood Fix."

I had seen a few interviews of influencers outside the restaurant and it all made a little more sense. I laughed lightly and pointed to the camera. "Yeah, I should've guessed. And I feel like I've been running all over Hollywood lately so it probably has been difficult."

The crew laughed and I assumed that was the end of the conversation but they tightened their circle a little more, making it impossible for me to get away. "So you're pretty close with David Dobrik, right? What is it like working with him?"

"Working with him is never dull, but he's a very genuine guy," I replied with a polite smile, trying again to step away but they closed the circle even tighter. "Sorry, I'm actually meeting some friends inside and I'm already late."

The man acted as if I hadn't said anything at all and I felt my heart start pounding as I searched for a way out. I tried to remain calm and not have a breakdown that the world could watch, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. "Sources say you two are acting a little cozy lately? A love triangle with Natalie perhaps?"

"No, of course not. Natalie and I are not interested in him like that," I said, my voice coming out shakier than I wanted it to. "I have to go meet my friends now please."

Still, they didn't move and I felt like they stepped even closer if that was possible. I felt myself panic more and swiveled my head desperately to find a way out. The man was still talking to me but his voice was nothing but a buzz in my ears at this point.

In my panic, I had found eye contact with a boy who was coming out of the restaurant and he stopped his friends from walking to their car, turning to me instead. He booked it across the road and pushed through the men to grab my hand and begin pulling me away from them.

"Well, if it isn't Daniel Seavey! What a surprise! Mind having a few words?"

He only scowled at the man as he led me to the sidewalk where the rest if his bandmates were watching in confusion. If it wasn't for his hand on the small of my back forcing me to keep walking I probably would have collapsed into a little puddle right away.

"Are you okay?" It took me a minute to realize that Daniel was talking to me and I nodded although I felt like my heart was clawing its way up my throat. He cupped my cheek and tilted my head up so I was only looking at him. "Just breath, okay? Don't worry about anything else."

I nodded lightly and he helped me sit on the curb. I could feel a blush spread on my cheeks as it sunk in who I was talking to but I focused instead on Jack who was knelt in front of me. He pushed a bottle of water in my hands and smiled. "Can you breath okay now?"

I nodded and hoped when I spoke the words weren't too shaky. "I'm really sorry about this, I don't know what happened."

"Probably just a tiny anxiety attack from them closing in on you. Don't be sorry, it happens to the best of us," he said as he patted my knee.

Daniel's hand was still resting on my back and I glanced over to him with a tiny smile. It was a nice feeling I could definitely get used to.
"And that's how we met," Daniel finished, the man from Hollywood Fox looking mortified about what had happened only a few moths ago. "So thank you for sparking that anxiety attack because without it I wouldn't be able to call this beautiful girl mine."

He steered us away from the shocked group of men with a proud smile and I punched his shoulder. "Do you enjoy making people uncomfortable?"

"People like that, absolutely."

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