sunrise || k. lawley (request)

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thanks so much for the request!
Chelsey linked her arm through mine as we made our way up to the front door of the rental beach house we had for the weekend. "I'm so excited to have some much needed girl time with my favorite girl," she said, with a smile. "And to see all the hot surfer guys." She whispered the last part loudly and Jc shot her a warning look.

"You're very funny, I know you're obsessed with Jc and have eyes for no one else." Jc gave a satisfied smile and pulled her away from me. "There's no harm in looking though." His mouth formed an O shape in surprise and he reached out to smack the side of my head, but I dodged away with a laugh.

"Shut up Chantel!" Jc was pouting and Chelsey giggled, pecking his cheek. "You wouldn't make those kinds of jokes if you had a boyfriend," he said, a smile returning as he looked down at her still in his arms.

"Yeah, I suppose," I said, trying to keep a straight face as I stole a look at Kian out of the corner of my eye. He had his head ducked and I could make out a smirk. I turned my attention back to Corey and Bobby who were bringing all of our suitcases in from the car. "Awe, thanks guys, you're so sweet."

"No problem," Corey said, playfully leaning in for a kiss which I backed away from. "One of these days you're going to let me!"

"Doubtful but keep dreaming," I said, patting his cheek with a smile. "Do we have any plans for the rest of the day?"

Chelsey scrunched her face and shook her head. "I'm so exhausted, I think we should just chill out and go to bed early." The boys broke into whines that they wanted to do something fun but she just waved them off. "Okay! Gosh, you guys can go and Chantel and I will just lounge here, right?"

I nodded with a smile and began to drag my suitcase back the hallway to one of the three bedrooms. "How are we splitting the bedrooms?"

Bobby was close behind me with his own suitcase, peeking into each of the rooms as he passed them. "Jc and Chelsey are probably going to be in one and I guess you'll share with one of us?"

My cheeks flushed as I saw Kian wiggle his eyebrows at me behind Bobby's back. "We can share I guess, I don't mind." He nonchalantly tossed his duffle bag on the floor beside the bed in the room I was standing in and flopped down on his back. "Which side of the bed do you prefer?"

Bobby left to put his stuff in the last available room and I closed the door as quietly as possible before launching myself at Kian. He latched his arms around my back as I laid on top of him, the smirk still on his face. "So I guess we're sharing a room?"

"Don't get any ideas," I said, pulling away from him and sitting up on the other side. "I should probably share with someone else. So no one gets suspicious."

Kian pouted and shook his head. "No one is going to know anything."

I gave him a look with my eyebrows raised. "Chelsey will figure it out in two seconds." I grabbed my suitcase and pinched his cheek affectionately. "It's only for this weekend, you'll live without me for now."

When we had all unpacked, we sat in the living room as the boys decided what they wanted to do. "We should all go watch the sunrise tomorrow morning," Kian said, making everyone go silent.

Corey raised an eyebrow at the idea and rolled his eyes. "You think anyone wants to get up that early? That's like 6:00!"

I laughed while everyone else agreed that it was way too early, especially since they were tired from the day of travel. This was the perfect opportunity for Kian and I to spend some time together alone, so I shrugged and nodded. "I'll go with you!"

"See, this is why I hate all of you and Chantel is the only friend I like," Kian said with a teasing smile.

The next morning we left as quietly as possible and he slipped his hand in mine as we walked on the private boardwalk to the beach. "This is romantic," I said, leaning into him.

"Yeah, so romantic that Corey actually wanted to come. I told him that we were going for a run to deter him and it worked," he chuckled. He spread a blanket out on the sand and sat, patting the spot between he legs for me to sit.

I pulled my sweatshirt tighter around me as I settled back into his chest. "Awe, we should've just let him come. I feel bad now."

He pressed a kiss to my temple and wrapped his arms around me to create warmth. "Nah, he'll get over it," he said, and we settled into a comfortable silence as we watched the sky paint itself in soft pinks and purples.

He pulled out his phone and snapped a quick selfie of us kissing, commenting on how cute we were. We heard a scoff from behind us and I turned wide-eyed to see Corey still rubbing sleep from his eyes, a frown plastered on his face.

"Yeah, you guys are real cute. You're liars! First of all, since when are you dating? And second of all, I missed a freaking good sunrise all because Kian said you were going on a run!"

Kian shushed him and glanced up the path to make sure he was alone. "I'm sorry dude, I just wanted us to have some alone time. We wanted to keep our relationship on the down low for a little bit before telling you guys."

"Don't be mad Corey, we're really sorry. We can watch the sunrise tomorrow too!" Corey still looked annoyed and turned to walk back to the house. I jogged to catch up to him and looped my arm in his. "You aren't going to tell anyone, are you?"

"No, I'm a good friend," he said, frowning down at me. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to show me a picture he had taken of Kian and I from the back, cuddled on the blanket with the sky a swirl of color. "See, at least I took a good picture before I got annoyed."

I smiled at the picture, immediately sending it to myself and squeezed his arm. "We didn't want to not tell you. We just want it to be private for a little bit, okay? Don't feel left out, no one knows. You're the first," I said.

"And the only one until we decide to tell everyone else," Kian piped up from behind them. "So keep your big mouth shut."

When we got back to the house I could tell Kian was tense but there was nothing I could about it now. I couldn't reassure him so I gave him a smile that I hoped would be enough and leaned on the counter in the kitchen, watching Jc flip a pancake. "Good morning guys!"

"Hey, how was the sunrise?" Chelsey slid a to-go cup of coffee to the each of us and I pulled my phone out, quickly flipping past the picture Corey had taken to show her the sky above the ocean. "Woah, that looks gorgeous!"

"Ugh it was," I replied, sitting at the table.

"Yeah, I'm so glad I got to go," Corey said, still sounding a little bitter. "I guess three's company though." Jc turned at the comment and flicked his eyes between Kian to Corey to me. Corey seemed to realize what he had said and tried to  rush it away. "So, pancakes?"

"Three's company? Why's that?" Chelsey was also interested now and all of the attention was on Corey as Bobby walked in the room.

"How was your romantic sunrise?" Bobby yawned and grabbed the last to-go cup, frowning at my shock. "What, you really thought I didn't know? Come on, nothing gets past me," he said with a smile.

"Wait, what?" Chelsey was grinning and jumping excitedly. "Since when? Why didn't you tell us? That is amazing!"

Kian shot Corey an irritated glance but smiled at the group. "Yeah we weren't going to say anything but big mouth over here didn't even make it five minutes with our secret."

"Technically I didn't say anything! It was Bobby!" Bobby shrugged and took a seat beside me. "But now you can make this bomb picture your background."

Chelsey leaned over and squealed at the cute shot, showing it to Jc and insisting they take one tomorrow morning.

Kian walked behind me and wrapped his arms loosely around my neck. "At least now we can shove Bob and Corey in a room and I can have cuddles!"

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