Start from the beginning

Vicky : Arnav…Please don’t do this…Do u know,what Varsha said to me in her last minutes?? She told that ur happiness is hers…She wont like u being like this…

Arnav : Do u know what she told me?? She told me that she loves me…(weeps) I thought of answering her the next day…But she has gone now…I cant say that to her…I cannot make her happy even at the last moment…Its all because of me…This is all because of that Sanjay…She told me that she stood against him only for me…She told that she does not bear anyone messing with me…Its all because of me ..I killed her…I killed the love of my life…I cant forgive myself…I don’t deserve to live…I have to die…

He starts beating himself…Vicky consoles him…By then,Arnav’s mobile phone rings…Its an unknown number…

Vicky answers it…The man on the other side asks him to put it in loudspeaker…

Man : Hai…Hope u guys are doing great…Do u recognize my voice?? Hahaha…Its Sanjay(Arnav’s reaction changes) Arnav…U asked me to use professional rowdies to kill Varsha right?? Ur advice was so helpful to me..I used them and they did it perfectly…I am very happy now…The only girl who opposed me is gone now.. I have two advantages out of it…One is…U too don’t mess up with me hereafter…And all people in the college would have fear and respect for me…That is what I wanted…And one more thing…My deep condolences for ur friend…I heard that she loved u…And that is why I killed her..It is a punishment to both of u…Enjoy…And just go out of this college…I should not meet u hereafter…Good Bye…

Arnav is at the peak of anger…He breaks the phone…

Arnav : I wont leave him…I am gonna kill him…

Vicky : No Arnav…U should not do that…Then what is the difference between u and him?? We can punish him through the law…

Arnav : No..He will come out of it through the loopholes…That moron has to be punished…I will kill him and then I will kill myself…

Vicky tries to stop him but he comes out pushing Vicky…When he came out,his mom comes and falls in his feet…

Jhanvi(Arnav’s mom) : Don’t do that beta…(cries) I can understand ur situation…But they are big shots…We cannot stand againt them…They may spoil ur life…We want u…Please don’t do that…

Arnav : Ma…Please get up…What do u understand ma?? He has killed an innocent girl only because she stood against him…Can u understand that?? Please think about her family…How her mom and dad would be suffering?? What wrong did she do?? I cant be selfish ma…I cant leave him for saving my life…

Vicky : Arnav…We will fight against him…Surely…But killing him is not the solution..Be calm and think about it Arnav…Decisions u take in hurry are always wrong…Please think about it…

Jhanvi : Please don’t do that beta…I cannot live without u…What if he kills u too?? U are talking about Varsha’s parents…Don’t make us too like them…Please beta…I beg u…Please listen to me…

She cries and bows in his feet…She faints…Arnav gets shocked…

Arnav : Maa…Maa…Please get up..

After sometime,She becomes normal…
Vicky and Arnav are outside…

Vicky : Arnav…We will fight using law…But don’t do like this..Dont hurt mom…She loves u a lot…U have to live…For Varsha…She would not want u to die…She would want u to be happy…

Arnav agrees…After that,they file a case…And Sanjay escapes from the law because of his father…Arnav lost hope and becomes furious…
But,he has promised his mom that he wont do anything…And so he ignores Sanjay’s activities…

(End of flashback)

Vicky wipes his tears…Sid and Shruti were standing there with wet eyes..

Vicky : Arnav tried a lot to punish them…But we could not..Finally he gave up…And still Arnav cannot come out of that incident…He gets low BP everytime he thinks of her…He is still guilty that he is the reason for her death…He has a thought in his mind that,If he gets close to someone,they would fight for him and they would die for him…That is he is feeling insecure about them…That is why he always keeps distance with people…And sorry for scolding u Shruti…

Shruti : Its ok Karthi anna…The mistake is mine…I did not think that Arnav has such a sad past…I have hurted him a lot…I have to apologize to him…

Vicky : No Shruti…Don’t do that…Don’t tell him that u know about all these..He does not want anybody to know about it..

Shruti : Ok karthi anna…Sorry anna…Its my mistake that I talked bad about him…

Vicky : Its ok Shruti…U don’t know about it nah?? Ok Shruti…Its getting late…I have to go…

Sid : Ok bro…Bye…Take care…

He goes…

Shruti could not stop crying…

Shruti : I have hurted him a lot Sid…I am guilty…I cannot imagine whatever he would have gone through…He is such a great soul…I mistook him…

Sid : Ya Shruti…I am feeling very sorry for him…Losing a loved one..It would hurt like hell…

He consoles Shruti…
Both of them return home..


Shruti is in her room…She keeps thinking…
“Oh God…How he could have felt when he came to know that she is dead…I cannot imagine…He might have gone through so much..It is very difficult to come out of such a mishap…It needs so much strength…He is the strongest..And there is nothing wrong with his behaviour…How can anyone be normal when he has lost  the love of his life?? Arnav is right..I was wrong…I should behave nicely to him…Now,I can relate things and it makes sense..One day,he left him mid way when he took me in his bike…That day I asked him whether his girlfriend died…How rude I was!! He should have slapped me hard…And that day ,he did not save me when Sanjay sent goons to attack me…He might have thought about her…And I think,that pic of the girl in his purse,must be Varsha…I should have hurted him if I had asked him that straight to him…And what the hell did I do? I thought I was in love with him…But he has someone else in his heart…And that love is eternal… And I wish I were Varsha…To be loved truly by a man like Arnav,even after death…”
She sighs…

PRECAP : Shruti smiles at Arnav whenever he looks at her..Arnav is confused on her weird behaviour…The head of their company praises Sid