After a long exhale, he held out his hand, "Then come on, and don't let my hand go, okay?"

She nodded eagerly, walking over to him as straight as she could, not realizing she wasn't straight at all until she was about three feet to the left from his hand. He was smiling knowingly at her furrowed eyebrows and direction change.

When Marley grabbed Aiden's hand he laced their fingers together, unlocking and opening the door, leading her out.

The loud music, warm air, and sweaty bodies hit her like a freight train. Marley briefly wondered what it was she enjoyed so much about being at this club. She'd much prefer the outdoor quiet, peaceful atmosphere at camp right now.

"They're upstairs," Aiden told her over the music, leading them through the crowds with a viewpoint she was still too short, and too tipsy to see for herself.

Marley felt nauseated and confused at everything that was going on. She didn't know much, Aiden had taken the phone from her once she started mumbling nonsense. But his expression had been grave as he listened to whatever Gabby was saying on the other end of the line.

Clearly, Leo needed calming down - but that's all Marley knew for sure right now.

Aiden moved her in front of him once they got to the stairs leading to the dance floor above, resting his hands on her hips and keeping her balanced as they climbed the steps. The second floor was less dense than the first, but with the transparent floors and dancing bodies, felt as crowded and chaotic as the first.

Marley kept her eyes above the ground, not wanting to add throwing up to the mix of whatever else was going on.

As soon as they both were on the second floor, she noticed that the back left corner was less crowded, and that there were patrons hovering or backing away.

"Aiden," she whispered in panic, and though he didn't hear her, he still re-established his grip on her hand and led them closer.

Marley could hear the deep voices and shouting begin when they were a few steps away, Aiden's body locking in front of her as he saw what she had yet to. Peeking around his coiled bicep, she laid eyes on what was happening.

Leo and Dalton were circling each other, shouting things that couldn't be made out with the current blasting music and club chatter. Marley gasped at seeing Leo's bloody nose and Dalton's bruised eye, searching then for her best friend - wondering how Gabby fit into all this in the first place.

"Marley! Aiden!" They both turned to see Bree and Jason shoving themselves closer, Bree's worried expression shadowed by her lit iPhone screen.

"What's going on?" Aiden asked, using Marley's hand in his to pull her closer to his side instinctively.

Bree sucked her lower lip into her mouth, turning the phone towards them, "This. This is what's going on."

Marley had to squint for a second to see through her blurred vision, noticing that what she was being shown was a post on Instagram. She couldn't read the name of the account as it was in small writing, but that didn't matter.

The video told her exactly what account she was looking at.

It was the dark club around the two people kissing, the male pressing the girl against the wall with palms on either side of her head. Her arms were around his neck, and though the congested bodies didn't allow for a full, clear view without disturbance, it was obvious who the two people were.

Gabby Collins and Dalton King.

Marley's eyes bugged as Bree slid the phone away. Gabby doesn't just make out with random guys. She doesn't do it in public, either. This must be something in reaction to a more personal issue.

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