(33) Can I Put My Hand In His Pants?

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"Or else he'll have me to deal with." Marley turned to give him a serious look, proving that this was important to her with narrowed hazel eyes.

Aiden scanned over her face and his expression softened, grabbing her hand and lacing their fingers together, "Alright, girls night it is. Any other rules I should be aware of?"

"You don't leave the single girl to feel bad about herself, maybe?!" Sarah exclaimed from where she was sitting on the floor in the midst of the couples.

She had a silver flask in her hand that she chugged with her head tilted back.


Marley dropped Aiden's hand and strode up to Sarah, holding out her hand, "Deal." she laughed, while Sarah took it and she brought her to her feet.

"Lets pregame bitches!" Tristan hooted from behind Marley's back, gesturing for the boys to wait in the hall while Sarah scrambled from the bed, "Two vodka shots each."

"Two shots of vodka," Bree repeated, earning laughs from Sarah and Tristan.

Marley watched on the edge of the room, teeth biting down on the edge of her thumbnail as Sarah cleared a nightstand and Bree set the six shot glasses down in a circle, while Kelly poured the vodka clumsily. Gabby came up beside Marley, who turned to her best friend to see her watching the scene with the same debate going on in her eyes.

"Girls!" Sarah was suddenly snapping in their faces, grabbing them by the wrists and dragging them over, "Take a damn shot. Everything'll be more fucking lit I promise!"

Marley allowed Sarah to pull her into the circle, her heart pounding in her ears as she stared down at the glass brimming with the liquid that ruined her life. But what if tonight, she let it ruin it on her terms?

"Marley?" Gabby asked quietly from beside her, reaching for the glass.

"You takin' the damn shots or not?!" Kelly shouted, and Marley noticed that they all had them in their hands, hovering and ready for a cheers, just waiting on them.

Today had become a day of being bold, and right now Marley still felt that electric confidence and 'screw it' mentality. Tomorrow, she'd probably be back to regularly scheduled programming, so this is her only chance.

Marley snatched up the shot in her right hand, holding it up while the girls cheered, Gabby immediately following suit. The only thing stopping her blonde best friend was Marley's reluctance.

"You sure about this?" Gabby asked her quietly as they clicked their glasses together, the girls shouting 'DNR' loudly.

"Nope," Marley muttered back as she tipped her head back and downed the shot.

The burning and coughing was instantaneous, the only person not affected that way being Sarah, who just jumped around and shook her head a little bit.

Marley's eyes were burning just like her throat, as she watched Kelly hoot and pour another shot into the glasses with blurry eyes from moisture.

But the burning, it brought her into the moment, it kept her grounded in the present. For once, her mind wasn't working overtime, which was all she needed to snatch the second shot off the table and down it before anyone else could, wringing out her hands while the girls cheered her on.

"Let's go dance on a table bitches!" Sarah shouted, the girls all walking out together and giggling, snatching their purses and startling the boys leaning against the railing in the hallway.

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