(32) You: *Smack* "Aiden Matthews!"

Start from the beginning

She was literally staring at her friends all laughing and teasing her, her body tangled with Aiden's who is shirtless while she was sitting top of a desk.

Well, this is kind of the worst.

Marley put her burning face in her hands while Aiden untangled them and slipped his shirt on, shooting Jason the finger.

"Next time I hear you two I'm bursting the fuck into your room. Locked door or not." he pointed between Jason and Bree, who shared a glance with what could only be described as fear and regret.

After Aiden set her down with his hands on her hips, she huffed and turned towards the mess on the floor, trying to make sense of the papers and shattered lamp pieces and broken clock bits.

"Matthews, you're cleaning this up and getting ready, while we get Marley ready," Sarah announced as she stood, seriousness taking over, "It's already eight thirty and we are trying to leave in an hour. That's why we're here. Marley you still need to shower, get your hair and makeup done, and get dressed."

She nodded and was embarrassed to realize that she had totally forgotten about the club opening tonight. Forgot.

"Okay, um, yeah." she nodded her head, attempting to gather her bearings as she grabbed her jacket off the floor, still breathing rapidly with a racing heart.

"Take care of my girl! And I will make your life blue ball hell if you interrupt again Letterman!" Aiden called into their backs before Jason was closing Aiden's door behind him with a suddenly pale complexion.


Marley, Tristan, Kelly, and Gabby's room had turned into the disorienting area it always turned into whenever there was a big event all the girls were going to.

Sarah was playing her 'Pre-Club Grand Opening' playlist (which right now included the song 'Upset' by Drake) through a hand held speaker as she painted her toenails a bright red. Makeup, hair supplies and other various accessories were scattered around the floor, the girls chatting loudly and while reaching and dodging each other for the supplies they needed.

Some were dressed, Tristan wearing a dark blue dress that accentuated her dark skin tone, with a triangle opening along the back that had lacing until it was tied along the bottom. She was sat in her usual spot in front of the floor length mirror hanging over the back of the door, her extensive makeup collection scattered around her. Bree was curling Kelly's hair while Kelly sent Snapchats with some kind of filters that detected her face as she prepared to take the photo.

Gabby was sitting on her bed off to the side, seeming awfully weary at the hectic atmosphere, so when Marley asked her to go with her to the shower in the councillor's cabin, she obliged immediately.

On the walk there and back it was quiet between them, peaceful, but still filled with unanswered questions. Marley didn't push or pry, and when they did converse it was a typical banter or discussion about biology or scientific theories. Surface stuff.

Marley and Gabby never kept anything from each other, but then again, their lives had never been all that interesting before. Now, they had a reason to keep secrets and that scared Marley, she never wanted them to drift apart.

When they made it back to their room about twenty minutes later, Marley gaped at the sight of something sitting on her bed. When the girls all saw her walk in, they glanced at her with murmurs of excitement as she approached her bed with her mouth hung open.

It was an entire outfit, dress, heels, accessories and all.

Marley's outfit below ⬇️

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