jungkook (pt 4)

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thank you all so much for your lovely comments on the last chapter, it truly made me feel better about myself. anyways, just a heads up that this week updates may be slow as I do have an assignment due this Friday but after that, I'm all yours. I will try to update as much as I can today but I'm not gonna promise much. xoxo (also slightly concerned about what i wrote)


You find the darkness strange.

Living in the heart of a city, you had grown used to having the warming, orange glow of street lamps outside your window, their light filtering in through the gaps in the curtains. This was a blackness that you couldn't recall seeing before - one that was almost absolute. When you tilted your head skyward you could see clearly millions of bright stars dotted on the black canvas of night, yet none of that light seemed to filter far enough down to make any difference when you turned your eyes away.

Jungkook watches from in front, tilting his head in confusion as you slowly follow him in silence. It's odd how he so often turns to make sure you're ok. Any sane person would say that he cares for your safety but no, he's only making sure he doesn't get caught because of your ignorance. Only the little spark in his heart is begging him to say otherwise.

Once you reach his side, you allow your mind to click back into place and ask for your instructions.

"Just stay by my side and be aware. We're targeting Kim Jaesun. He beat his wife to death and blamed it on his brother. Bloody bastard," he spits out the insult, lips curling into a scowl. "He leaves here in about 5 minutes. I'll call you if I need anything."

You nod, slightly perplexed by a sudden thought.

"Do you only murder those that have done something bad?" He nods, carefully slipping his hands into the soft gloves, handing you a spare pair.

"Why should I target the innocent? That girl you saw me murder? She pushed over three men into bankruptcy by stealing all their money. Each one had a family to go home to. The lady on the news? She forced a boy into suicide. I have my reasons for ridding this world of all it's demons."

You're about to reply to his reasoning when he shushes you, pointing at the door of the bar. True to Jungkook's words, Kim Jaesun stumbles out, mumbling incoherent words. You frown a little, knowing that this may be painless for him unlike how it felt for his wife.

Oh god, I sound just like Jungkook.

Jungkook slowly advances, immediately reaching for his gun. You stay close but keep a lookout of your surroundings, taking note of every shadow that passes you by. Jaesun spins on his heel, sharing a giddy smile with Jungkook who lowers his mask and grips the drunk man's forearm, dragging him further into the dark.

You warily follow, hand hovering over your own gun. You hiss under your breath, allowing yourself to palm it, fingertips running over your initials carved into it. You move into the little light provided by the flickering street lamp, unfazed by Jungkook slamming the man into the wall.

The man gathers his senses enough to question Jungkook with a fearful look in his eyes.

"What d-do you w-want?" Jaesun's eyes flick to you just as you finish adjusting your mask, your lips left open so he can see your smirk.

"Fire doesn't care if it burns wood, pig fat, or the flesh from your body. Like this gun, it has no preference. In all this world, it is as blind as you will be in about two minutes, when your atoms are just atoms. Every part of your body is no more than a borrowed element forged in a star and it's time for you to glow hot again -light up the night with the fat under your pampered skin. Burning can be fast or slow, I'm thinking slow for you. In a house fire, the smoke puts you out first, it's a kindness I suppose. I'm not kind."

Jungkook's eyes widen as you lift your gun and aim at Jaesun's heart, pulling the trigger. The bullet enters as if he were nothing, just meat, blood and bones, blasting a cavity in his chest as it burst crimson into the darkening night. His face, so ugly in life, is frozen, mouth slack, as he is propelled backwards. His eyes hold yours for a fraction of a second, he was there and then gone, the sin he committed hopefully released with his soul.


You shakily drop your hands, puffing out a few ragged breaths. Jungkook finally shows an emotion other than shock, a bright smile breaking out onto his face. You relax, sharing the smile with him.

"That was fucking great! I knew keeping you around would be fun." You shove your gun in your pocket, grabbing Jungkook's hand when sirens ring out all around you.

"Let's go!"

You take the lead for a few seconds before he runs out in front, zig zagging through alleys and streets, laughing gleefully the whole way. Your mind replays the kill in your head, smile growing each time. The exhilaration is something you could get used to.

You tighten your hand around Jungkook's, laughing under the midnight sky.

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