"A lot Papa." Louis said as an answer. "Is it above a 5?" Liam asked and louis nodded. "Probably a 8 when I walk." Louis said and Liam just nodded. "Lou I think we should get the Drs to take a special pictute of tour ankle" Liam said. "What they do?" Louis asked and Liam smiled. "They put a special black bosrd under your foot and take special pictures. Papa also wears a funny jacket." Liqn explained as his phone buzzed and he looked at it.

"Lou is it alright if I go and quickly check on Niall and then I'll be back and we're discuss more about your ankle." Liam said and louis just nodded sitting down on the sofa and continuing to watch the tv. Liam went upstairs and checked on niall and took the boys temperature. Niall sniffled throughout the whole process. "It's not changed, which isn't a bad thing but I thought it might of come down a bit." Liam said sadly ruffling the boys hair.

Liam looked at the time and realised he could have another dose of his antibiotics and some kid ibrofen. "Alright Ni I'm just going to grab you some medicine and then you can go back to sleep." Liam said and Niall nodded sleepily. Liam measured out the ibrofen first and niall had that and then a sip of water. Niall then had the antibiotics. "That yucky." Niall croaked and Liam chuckled. "It's not meant to be nice." Liam said and Niall huffed. "Wish it was." Niall said and Liam smiled. "You Okay here with nana sweetie I need to go back to lou." Liam said and Niall nodded snuggling into Karen. Karen smiled.

"I might need to take Lou to get an x-ray done" Liam said "Really you think it's that bad?" Karen asked concerned about her youngest grandson. "I really don't know I think it's better to be safe than sorry but he's still in a lot of pain and he can't weight bare at all and he's always limping when he tries to walk." Liam explained. Karen nodded and cuddled an almost sleeping niall. Liam then went back downstairs to find Louis who was still watching his cartoons. "Papa." Louis whined when he saw Liam reaching for him. "What's up baby?" Liam asked. "Foot hurts." He whined and Liam sighed lifting him onto his lap. "I think we might need to get the special pictures of your leg' Liam said. "Eat first, I'm hungry." Louis said and Liam smiled at the boy. "We're pick something up at some point but I think it will be best if we get going sooner rather than later." Liam said knowing these things could take a while and it was already nearly 6. "Okay." Louis said as Liam went to tell Karen where they were going. "Karen nodded and hoped lou's foot was ok.

"Right come on then monkey let's go and find out what damage you've done to yourself." Liam said scooping Louis up and placing him on his hip. "Careful papa don't want my foot to be touched." Louis said as louis' foot very nearly hit the sofa. "I'm sorry baby." Liam said carrying louis out to the hallway and placed him down on the bottom stair while he got his shoes on before grabbing Louis' shoes.

"No papa shoes hurt." Louis said and Liam sighed but nodded and picked Louis up deciding against shoes as the boy wouldn't be walking anyway. Liam placed the boy in the car seat which he didn't moan about. "Does it hurt more without the strap" Liam asked.Louis just shrugged not really sure so Liam just nodded before getting in the drivers seat and heading for the hospital hoping it would be quiet but if Liam knew that place and he was pretty sure he did then it wouldn't be quiet in the slightest it never was whatever time of day whatever day of the week.

Liam hoped a nurse or a dr he registered might be on. But at the same time he didn't want to overtake emergencies. Louis may have been an emergency situation in his eyes and he wanted his little boy sorted as soon as possible but he knew really that Louis could wait the time it would take.

Harry woke up and tried to see how he felt. Harry soon realised that the nauseas feeling had died down but he didn't want to get up as he felt that might have been pushing things. Liam arrived at the hospital pretty quickly and due to him being a member of staff was able to park in the work carpark so parking wasn't an issue either. Liam then carried Louis in to A and E and joined Louis in reception. All his details came up on the computer. Liam then went and sat down with Louis and the boy was whining again about being hungry and his foot still hurting.

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