(19) You Have The Wrong Equipment For Him

Start from the beginning

As if they needed that.

Aiden's been sitting in Gabby's seat since their break began, but even with the busy conversations going on around them before class began, it felt like they were alone. Like the room was closing in just like the distance between them.

Ms. Weiss entered the room then, causing Leo to whistle loudly, "Hey, Mrs! Can I show Santa a picture of you so he knows what I want for Christmas?"

Marley rested her chin on the palm of her hand as the class hooted and hollered. Their blonde teacher rolled her eyes as she dropped her black laptop bag on her cluttered desk, "So your pickup lines are now festive, Mr. Kahn?"

He's come in the class with new material at least two to three days of the week. Marley turned to see Gabby lower her forehead into her textbook in annoyance.

"You know what else is festive?"

Mrs. Weiss crossed her arms, "Not the age of consent."

The class 'oood' and hooted, hands banging on desks where the jocks were sitting in a cluster in the back right corner of the room.

Leo stood from his chair, "Are you saying that if it was legal you'd be interested? You know, you look a lot like my next girlfriend."

"And you look exactly like the guy I've turned down for weeks now, and will a year from now, too. Have a seat, Mr. Kahn."

Marley has an insane amount of respect for Mrs. Weiss. An insane amount.

After the class settled down, Mrs. Weiss looked way too excited for whatever it was they were doing today. "Alright! Since today is the last day before we switch lab partners, and your last assignment has been completed, we're going to be...drumroll please."

She paused to allow the class to slam their hands against the counter excitedly. Marley wasn't sure how to feel at the moment. She was hoping that their last day would just be biology work.

"Making fake snow and having a snowball fight!"

Marley's mouth fell open and she nearly jumped from her chair in excitement. She's never seen snow before, and has always found it fascinating and beautiful. The class erupted in conversation and excitement, but Mrs. Weiss was immediately shouting for everyone to settle down.

"This won't be possible if you don't listen to my instructions! We'll be breaking off the class into two teams later, but for now I have already set up stations for each set of partners to make snowballs. The recipe we're using is malleable, cold to the touch, white, and will break apart when thrown just like regular snow. The instructions are written down and straightforward, so whoever is with Mr. Kahn can easily translate it to kindergartener level."

Snickers erupted from around the room while Leo held a hand to his muscled chest, "Mrs. I'll have you know I'm smart enough to see we have Chemistry."

"Is that what subject we're studying here, Mr. Kahn?" Mrs. Weiss asked with all seriousness, the class hushing immediately.

Marley held her breath.

"Pssh," Leo snorted, shaking his head, "Absolutely not, Mrs. We're in Geometry. I'm not an idiot."

Pin drop silence.

Marley turned to her best friend, who was pinching the bridge of her nose tiredly. She whacked her forearm with her pencil, "I thought you were making progress with him!"

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