Start from the beginning

Shruti and Sid : Thank u bro…

Deepak : No…U don’t need to call me bro…Just call by name…

Shruti : U are elder than us…How can I call by name??

Deepak  : I am elder by a year only…

Sid : We will call u as Deepakji…

Deepak : That’s cool…(to Shruti) Same pinch…U and me are wearing the same colour dress…

Shruti smiles…They go inside…


Abhi and Swadeenta reach  their office…

Abhi : Swadhu…See…Now they will come and welcome me with garlands and bouquet…

Swadhu : Are u day dreaming Abhi ?? Nobody will welcome us..We have to go and introduce ourselves…

By then a lady comes…

Lady : Hi…U are Swadeenta right??

Swadeenta nods…

Lady : I am Anu…Welcome…

She takes Swadeenta inside…
Abhi stands there with puppy face…Swadheenta laughs at him and then controls…

The security scolds him…

Security : Hey…Go out man…U should not stand here…

Abhi : No…I am a new employee…

Security : Hey…How dare u lie??

Swadeenta sees it and comes here…

Swadhu : Security…He is a now employee…Please allow him…

Anu also comes there…

Anu : Are u Abhijeet??

Abhi nods…

Anu : U should have told it before na?? Come inside…

They go inside…

Swadhu : Abhi…I think u cannot forget this warm welcome in ur life…


Sid and Shruti introduce themselves…They go to their places…Deepak comes with two glasses of juice..

Deepak : Hi guys…This is my treat to u guys…Enjoy…

Shruti : That’s so sweet of u Deepakji…

They have their juice and chat with Deepak…Shruti’s phone rings…

Shruti : Excuse me…

She takes her phone and juice glass in her hand and goes out..She talks over the phone and disconnects it…She turns and comes back seeing her phone…Suddenly she bumps into someone and the juice spilled in his suit…The glass is still in her hand…

Shruti : Are u blind or what??

By saying that she looks at his face…She is shell shocked And dropped the glass…The glass breaks.…It is ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA…She cannot believe her eyes…She wipes her eyes and See again…Its Arnav only…She opens her mouth wider…He looks at her angrily…She sees juice spilled on his suit…She goes near him and tries to wipe the juice using her kerchief…It did not go…She sees around and takes a waste cloth…She wipes his suit…The dust in the waste cloth sticks to his suit…Arnav is at the peak of anger…(Khushi’s funny bgm from ipkknd plays)

Shruti bites her nails…

Shruti : Is this dream or reality?? How did he come again?? I messed up as usual…Shruti run from here..

She tries to run and steps on the juice spilled on the floor…She slips and falls on Arnav’s arms…Rabba ve plays…They have an eyelock…

Shruti comes to senses and gets up…She is embarassed…Arnav looks at her angrily…She tries cleaning the floor…She takes the glass pieces in her hands…By then,a glass piece pierces her palm and it starts bleeding…Arnav sees it…He leans down and sit on his haunches…He takes her hand in his hand and takes the glass piece off…He blows it and wipes the blood using his kerchief…Shruti sees him lovingly…

Arnav : U prove that u are mad everytime…Does anyone take glass piece in hand??

Shruti : I am not mad..

She takes her hand from him…She cleans the place and run away…

Arnav : (to himself)How she came here??


Shruti comes running…She pants…

Shruti : Sid..Sid…He is back…

Sid : Who???

Shruti : He…That Khadoos…

Sid : Khadoos?? Who is that??

Shruti : U are the tubelight…

Sid : U don’t have the habit of saying anything directly…And u scold me…He doesn’t have a name??

Shruti : Its Arnav Singh Raizada…

Sid : What?? Our senior??

Shruti : Thank God…U remember him ..

Sid : No way…I heard that he did not come here even once after he went abroad…I am sure u have dreamt..

Shruti : No…I spilled juice over him…

Sid : Shruti…Stop this non sense…Carry on with ur work…Its our first day and we have to do it properly…

Shruti thinks…

What?? It is a dream?? But it was so realistic…Do I still love him?? That’s why I saw him today?? Its so confusing…Oh God…What is this?? I don’t understand…

Is Shruti dreaming?? Or the fate made them meet again??
Stay tuned for my next epi…