"-Jason leaves his wet towel against the door-"

"-your dirty laundry on my side-"

"Okay! Guys! Seriously?!"

Aiden, Leo, Jason, and Ryan finally managed to settle, glaring at their respective roommates. Kelly's shout quieted them, but they were still all seething.

"Guys are worse than girls," Bree concluded finally, snickering as she looked up at her boyfriend's annoyed expression.

"Hey, woah woah, we don't do all your gossip shit," Leo waggled a finger to the girls who were at the table currently - Marley, Kelly, and Bree, "or beat around the bush and have these little arguments. At least we tell it how it is. Like, for example, Aiden's such a neat freak I thought he was gay for a couple years."

Marley jumped when Aiden's hand slammed against the table, "Leo has the intelligence of a fish fly, and Jason couldn't fight an ant off."

Jason shot his head around his girlfriend to glare at Aiden, "At least I don't suck my own dick all day long."

"Physically impossible, dumbass-"

"Oh you find a way."

"Jason still calls his mom 'mommy." Ryan butt in, hooting with laughter.

"At least I don't sleep with a blankie."

"Everyone! Please sit down and listen up!"

At this point, Marley was laughing so loud her stomach ached as she tried not to fall out of her seat. Kelly and Bree were losing it too, unable to calm down the same way. It was a combination of their insults and the way it seemed like they'd all been bursting at the seams to make digs at each other. So much for telling it how it is, right?

"Oh, and Kahn?" Aiden started, leaning foreword on the table, "Being gay is not an insult, asshat, but if you still think I'm gay ask my girlfriend. She knows-"

Marley slammed a hand over his mouth, "Aiden Matthews! I swear to god!" She shrieked.

The rest of the table began to roar with laughter, everyone at everyone else's expense. Marley was delirious with giggles, her cheeks red with embarrassment but unable to stop laughing.

"Do I need to excuse you guys from the discussion?"

Everyone at the table sobered up for a heartbeat, all eyes shooting to Conner standing there with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed.

"It's Conner!" Ryan wheezed, before the laughing continued manically.

Tears were trailing down Marley's cheeks as she laughed into Aiden's shirt, holding her stomach with a shaking body. At this point, it was just a chain reaction of laughter because of the sound of laughter. She could feel the table jostle as the missing members of the group sat down.

Marley peeked her misty eyes open to see Gabby and Ethan glancing at each other fearfully, "Um?"

Marley tried to get the words out, but she couldn't breathe let alone speak right now.

Cabin Fever | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें