"Daddy helped me with my spellings yesterday." Louis said. "What about your reading?" Liam asked. Louis just shrugged going to build something else knowing what Liam was about to say. "Right I think we're do some of that then." Liam said picking the boy up. "No papa, need to build a friend for piggy." Louis said. "You can do that after your reading." Liam said and louis huffed but let Liam carry him away from his toys.

Liam sat Louis at the table before going to get the bits school bag. "We will do some reading and then practice more spelling" Liam said reading what the teaching assistant wrote in the boys book. "But papa." Louis whined really not wanting to do the spellings again. "Sorry baby, but you don't have a choice in this matter." Liam said before picking the boy up and placing him on his lap before handing the boy his book hoping that if Louis cuddled at the same time as reading he'd come round to the idea of his spellings. Louis started reading and got stuck on a word and tried to get the boy to break it up. "Papa I can't that word is too big." Louis said looking at the word.

"Louis I know you can do it as you know your sounds so come on do it with me." Liam said and louis sighed but did try and did manage. "See my clever boy." Liam said kissing his hair and louis smiled carrying on reading. Louis got stuck on a couple more words but with some coaxing Liam got Louis to sound them out. some were more difficult than others. "Can I play again now?" Louis asked once he'd finished reading and Liam chuckled. "Nice Try Love." Liam said placing Louis down on a seat at the table. "No stay on your lap?" Louis said.

"If I let you cuddle on my lap do you promise me your Do your spellings?" Liam asked and louis nodded so Liam placed him back on his lap and handed Louis some paper and a pencil. Liam then read him the first word. Louis wrote down how he thought it was spelt. "Done." Louis said and Liam then said the next word deciding to get Louis to write them all down before he checked. "No Papa you need to check it first. Daddy always does." "Well I'm not Daddy and I'm doing it this way." Liam said saying the word again and louis sighed but wrote that word down as well. Liam then said the next one. "We done yet?" Louis asked 10 words later and Liam nodded.

"Yeah let me just check these." Liam said and louis nodded. Louis sat on his papa's lap as his spelling was marked. "Only 2 wrong love." Liam said and louis sighed. "Had them all right earlier when did it with daddy." Louis said sadly and Liam sighed rubbing his back trying to prevent the tears from falling. Louis only had it right as he did mist the words a second time which helped him this time. "Lou you have done really well and just like your letters practice makes perfect" Liam said.

Louis smiled and leaned more into Liam's chest closing his eyes wanting a nap. "No nap Mr don't want you up at 3 in morning again." Liam said. "But." Louis moaned tiredly "No Grandad was telling me that you were awake at 3 this morning which when you should be asleep." Liam said carrying louis back to the backroom and placing him in front of his Lego.

Luckily for Liam the boy rubbed his eye's but happily played with his Lego. Liam smiled at him as Harry appeared in the backroom sitting down next to Liam. "Hey love." Liam said and Harry smiled. "Nice nap?" Liam said. "Yeah it was well needed." Harry replied. "Why can daddy and Niall nap but not me?" Louis asked looking up then. "Because daddy will sleep tonight still and Niall's poorly so needs a lot of extra sleep." Liam explained. Louis sighed but nodded.

"So will I" Louis said. "Well why at 3am when sleeping time and everyone was asleep did Louis want to play with grandad." Harry said "Wasn't tired." Louis said. "And why was that?" Harry said. "Cause you make me go to bed early." Louis said. "I think it was more your nap to blame." Harry said and Louis stubbornly shook his head The parents looked at each other and shook their heads. "You're not having a nap Lou end of conversation." Liam said and louis whined like usual when he was tired.

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