Chapter 1

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Lily Jackson POV 

Making these arrangement's felt wrong. She gave me up, turned her back on me to be with her 'husband of God'. When they called and told me that my biological mother was dead, murdered I felt nothing. I haven't seen her since I was 5, after she left me with her friend Jessica and her husband John Richards. I didn't know what was going on, but I'm grateful that she did now. 

They told me that I have a sister... They were trying to get a hold of her to inform her of my mothers death. I never even knew her, barely remember her. My father was in the army from what I was told and from my grandparents. I was still able  to see them seeing as Jessica was his sister. My father was Joseph Jackson, died on the front lines due to a bombing. 

I thought for a long time that my mother never really loved me, thought she gave me up because she hated how I reminded her of my father. My aunt Jessica told me later on in life all that I needed to know. I went to her crying when I was 15, I knew she knew more as to why my mother left me there with her. 

My mother left her with instructions, left a letter for me for when I turned 13 but my aunt waited until I started asking to give it to me. I went through my rebellious stage at that point. Hating her for keeping it from me for so long. Honestly though after reading it, it was for the best.  If I would have read it at 13 I probably would have done so much worse than I did at 15. 

When I rebelled at 15 I drank, did drugs and the worst thing I could think of... Unprotected sex. I wound up pregnant at 15 with my little man Jake. Jessica was furious at first but understood to an extent, she refused though to allow me to give the baby up or even for me to abort the baby. I'm grateful for that, I couldn't imagine life without him. 

Looking at the letter in my hand once more while I try to figure out how I feel I read it once more. 

My dearest Lily, 

I'm so sorry for the pain I may have caused. I couldn't let things continue. I know you may grow up to hate me, but he's more powerful than I. He will destroy me, destroy you more. I can't allow it. I will protect you and our future the best I can. The man that I left with, I thought he would help both of us, be a father to you as well as a husband to me. The only thing is he betrayed my love and trust. He touched you, I found him touching you while you were sleeping. He never was able to go further, I wouldn't allow it. I tried to leave him, but there is something that is keeping me with him. I have nothing without him. I can't let him ruin you though. I trust Jessica with my life, she was your father's baby sister by a few years. Her and John will keep you safe and love you. I promise that when I can forgive myself and when I can free myself from him I will come back to you. Stay strong my little Lily Bug, your a fighter just like your father. He would be so proud of you if he could see you today, I know he would. 

Love Always 

Your Mother Lisa

I felt the tears burning the corners of his eyes. She was trying to protect me when she left, she left because she was pregnant for my sister. She wanted to keep me safe, but she didn't want him to take my sister from us and possibly do what he had done to me or worse to my sister. She stayed to keep her safe, and left me to keep me safe. 

I don't understand why she never came back though, she was here in Florida with me, my sister they said stays in Georgia. She was close, but she never bothered to see me. I don't understand. Brushing the tears aside I put everything away and soon I hear my phone ringing. Glancing at the phone I see that it's an out of state number. 


"Lily?" A feminine voice comes through the phone. 

"Yes this is she. Who am I speaking with?" 

"This is Grace.... Your sister." The voice dies off at the end. 

"Grace? I was just thinking about you, well I don't really know you so I couldn't think too much but I was curious about you." I babble on nervously. 

A light laugh echo's through the phone making me feel slightly less nervous, I have a baby sister. 

"I just found out about you today so don't worry I probably know just as much as you." 

"Today?? Mom's been dead a week and they just now got a hold of you? What have you been doing? Do you not care about her?" I snap, not meaning to honestly.

A sob breaks out on the other end making me feel guilty, I should never had said that, I was just so angry. "Hello?" A masculine voice comes through while I hear more muffled sobs in the background. "What did you say?" 

"I think I said something terrible... I asked what she was doing in the last week while they were trying to get a hold of her to tell her about our mother, I asked... if she even cared." 

"There has been a lot going on here... Grace loved her parents, but she was taken and things haven't been so well over here. We actually called to talk about the funeral. We would like to attend if that's alright with you, we would need to get the details from you as well." 


"We can discuss things further when we see each other, it's kinda a long story and I feel Grace may want to tell it herself." 

"Yes of course, who am I speaking with?"

"I'm Spencer, a friend of Grace's. So when should we be there?"

"I am hosting the funeral this weekend. We are starting the viewing on Friday and on Saturday she will be buried." 

"Alright we will head down tomorrow then that way Grace and you can have some time together before the funeral." 

"Sounds good I will be happy to meet the both of you..." 

"We will have a couple other guys with us as well, just as a heads up. Things aren't totally safe for Grace right now so we need to keep people around her for protection." 

Worry consumes me, she's not safe... What about Jake?

"I have a son... Is he going to be safe?" 

"With me and my men you all will be safe, I just needed to make sure you new ahead of time, right now the threat is against Grace and her alone." 

"Alright I will see you all when you arrive." 

1,196 words :)

Well what do you guy's think? This is the first chapter and I'm super excited! 

This book will be including a little more perspective, from a few more characters :) 

What do you think of Lily and what's been revealed? 

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