Chapter 5

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Once I could no longer stall I sat at the table with Spencer and Mel sighing at the thought of going over any of this. 

"Are you done stalling Grace?" Mumbles Mel as she looks at me with a disapproving glare.

"I wasn't stalling.... You know I have a routine when I come in, you always leave a mess knowing I will pick it up. Of course you also know that I hate having people over and the apartment not be to my standards. Just because I was raped and beaten doesn't mean that I will stop living my life how I always do!" I was fuming by the middle of my rant. Everything hit me at once and I tried to ignore all the pain I felt in my chest, but in order to do that I had to rant and take my anger out on my best friend. Guilt flooded me after I realized all that I said, shame at my outburst as well as anger over everything. Emptiness seeped into my soul and I became numb looking at nothing as I began to self loathe myself over my actions. 

Whispers sound but I don't move, I can't move. My body feels as though it's shut down. It felt as though I was there in my mind but not my body I no longer could function properly. What was happening to me?


Spencer's POV

"Grace?" D*mn I think she went into shock. "Melissa I think your friend Grace went into shock." Standing up slowly I begin to make my way towards Grace. 

"WHAT! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!?" Mel shouts making me turn to her quickly. 

"Melissa I need you to remain calm or to leave while I work on bringing your friend out of this. Can you do that for me?" Looking at me with wide fearful eyes she nods her head and leaves the kitchen. Breathing a sigh of relief I continue my slow path to Grace in order not to spook her. 

Once I reach her I kneel in front of her chair and begin my work. "Grace." I whisper to her calmly trying to gain her attention. Not working I continue ahead in hopes for her to finally look to me. 

"Grace dear, this is serious. I need you to listen to my voice. Can you hear me? Look at me Grace, look into my eyes please." I beg oh her in whispers trying to maintain my composure. Soon her body begins to shake and she tries to pull from me. Soon I see fear slipping into her eyes from the hollow emptiness that laid there before as she starts struggling against me more. 

"Grace, calm down. It's Officer Spencer, you are safe. You need to look at me, come on look at me Grace." I whisper in more urgency as she struggles more as the shaking becomes stronger. Fearing that she may knock herself or the chair or over I snatch her out of the chair and hold her to my chest on the floor rocking her. 

"Grace listen to my voice, come on you are stronger than this. You survived! I need you to come back, listen to me and come back to us." Soon the struggles slow and become less as I rock her more trying to calm her as much as I can. 

Eventually I feel her stop completely, the struggling as well as the shaking. Once she was finally settled I glanced down to her to see that she had fallen asleep with a death grip to my shirt. Sighing I stand with her in my arms walking to the livingroom I find Mel pacing the room looking fearful. 

"Is she ok?"

"She passed out, she needs to rest more I can come back to talk with her when she feels better, I can't rush her."

"I'll take you to her room." Following Mel I enter Grace's room to find  it completely spotless as well as organized. "She really is OCD." I smile down to her as she rests her head on my chest. The feeling of finally having her here with me is the greatest as well as most heartbreaking. Knowing what she went through makes me want to destroy those b*stards. 

Laying her in her bed I try to pull away only for her to cling to me as if I were the air she breathes. 

"Well Officer Spence. Looks as though you may end up spending the night. She might subconsciously feel safe with you around her."  Sighing with happiness as well as sadness I decide I can't leave her when she is so desperately needing me. 

"Guess I'm staying. I can't escape her death grip." Or want to, this is a dream come true. I've been searching for her since I made it back and now that I've found her I realize I was too late. I was too late to keep her safe. She could have been safe with me as well as protected had I found her and been with her we could have been happy. 

Feeling the guilt wrap around me I sigh as I climb into the bed with Grace clinging to me. Laying her on my chest as I laid back in the bed the weight of everything hitting me I finally relax for the first time in years. Sleep soon envelops me as I lay there running my hand through her hair while the other rubs her back in soothing circles. 


Grace's POV

Stretching out I feel as though something is out of place. I open my eyes and glance around noticing I was in my room, but that I was laying with Officer Spencer. 

"What the H*LL!?" I shout completely enraged that this officer of the law would be laying in my bed after the trauma that I went through. Officer Spencer jumps awake grabbing his gun and rolling us over so he is now on top of me while glancing around the room aiming his gun looking for an enemy attack. Screaming at the action as well as the gun I gain his attention. 

"J*sus Grace, you scared the living daylights out of me." Huffing he gets up placing his weapon back in the holster as Mel barges in causing him to once again pull the weapon and aim. 

"Sh*t it's me Officer! I live here too man! I heard the scream and came to check everything out." Mel rambles on as she tries to calm the watchful beast of a man. 

"Officer Spencer! Put the d*mn gun away!" I shout to him frustration as well as anger coursing through me. 

"Why were you screaming?" They ask in unison. 

Glancing between the two with a slight jealous rage I finally reply. "Officer here was sleeping in my bed." I say to them expecting the man to feel ashamed, embarrassed, something. I expected Mel to freak out, something! Only they both looked at me as if I had 5 heads and was a ballet dancer.   

"Well of course he was sleeping in your bed Grace. You clung to him last night as if he was the last penis on earth and you needed to get laid." Both Spencer and I blush a shade of crimson at Mel's choice of words. 

"I'm sorry Grace, you wouldn't let go of me after you  came out of shock and I didn't want to risk you going back to it so I stayed. I need to head out here though and get to work. I will stop by later to discuss what we had in mind later if you don't mind."

"Of course not. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware or remember any of it for that matter."

"It's fine. Have a great day girls and be safe." 

Well things are getting kind of crazy, emotions are running high. 

What do you think is going to happen? 

Let me know what you think :) 

  1,307 words :)  

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