Chapter 16

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Spencer's POV

Sitting on my bed with my head in my hands I tried to calm myself down some. Seeing her so close to Logan made me angry, especially when she seemed to like it and connect with him. I was losing her before I even had a chance. Frustration welled up within my chest as I was worrying over this. Logan knew how I felt about her, I wasn't so much worried over him, but worried that maybe she may like him more than me. 

Logan was always the better man, he was raised better as well as more respected. He was from a well loved and caring family, his sister taught him all the best ways to treat women. He knew my history, he knew the struggles that I had, I know he wants whats best for me, but I just don't know if I can even compete or compare to Logan on a good day...

"Get out of that dark hole brother." Logan's voice pulls me out of my negative thinking. 

Looking up he's standing with his back against the closed door looking me over with that knowing look.

"How'd you know?"

"Doesn't take much, not after the 'Caveman' stunt downstairs." 

Groaning I shook my head and gave him an 'Are you Kidding Me?' kinda look. "What do you expect? You have known I've liked here since we were in the Seal's together and me and her started chatting. She gets me Logan, and here she is in my home! Guess what though? She's more comfortable with you then she is with me."

"Spencer calm down. Look, you have always fallen for the damsel in distress types, you always go for the girls who need extra help."

"YOU!" I couldn't believe my best friend would betray me and tell the girl I like that she is a damsel in distress. She's already fighting through enough as it is. 

"Me what? I'm telling you the truth. You need to keep a clear head! She's pregnant and not sure if she's keeping it. Look what happened with Alexis? You fell head over heels for the girl who was struggling with an abusive ex who knocked her up, only for her to go back to him and for him to murder her! You do this every time!" 

I was livid. He was bringing up something that happened when I was 18, a situation I still grieved over to this day. 

"I think I will hire someone to watch Grace since my BEST friend is turning his back on me and making me seem like I'm using this girl."

"This isn't me telling you that you're using her. This is me telling you that you need to think about things."

A knock sounded at the door and Mel entered with wide eyes. 

"What the hell is going on? I can hear you all the way downstairs. Grace is practically shaking down there afraid she is coming between two friends."

"Mel we'll be leaving in a minute, but Logan isn't going to be staying or visiting. I'm hiring someone else."

"Are you serious? You're going to sit there and throw me out and find someone else because I'm telling you to get your head out of your *ss?"

"What are you guys fighting about?" Came sweet Grace's voice from behind Mel, tears brimming in her eyes. 

"Grace, let's head downstairs and leave them to this." Mel tries to steer Grace out of the room only to be blocked. 

"No Mel, I want to know what's going on." She stands there glancing between Logan and myself and I can't help but let my eyes drift to the floor in shame and embarrassment while keeping my face neutral.  

"You need to tell her Spencer." Logan says to me with a slight edge. 

"Logan he needs to do it when he's ready. You can't force him to do it. Why are you acting like this?" 

"Whatever it is that anyone needs to tell me, they need to tell me now!" The anger and bite in her words felt like she stabbed my chest with each word that slipped past those rose colored plump lips. My head was straying and my heart was breaking at the fact that Logan was putting me in a bind and making me lose everything and I didn't understand why. Why would he do this to me? 

"Either you tell her or I do Spencer. Your choice. She needs to know before she spends one more night under your roof." 

Sighing I rubbed my neck and face as I dreaded this. "Look, what I'm about to tell you isn't easy. I'm not really sure how you're going to take it. The first thing I want you to know is that I never intended for this to happen, and I never meant to deceive you."

The look of fear as well as dread crossed her face as her eyes grew wide. Tears slipped past her eyes as she gazed at me with that trembling lip. 

"What do you mean? What's going on?" She whispers as she glances at both me and Logan once more. Concern flashed in Logan's eyes and Mel walked over to Grace placing her arm around her. 

"Listen to him Grace, and just keep an open mind."

"They told you?" Grace looks at Mel with a look of a kicked puppy that's been betrayed. 

"Spencer told me the other day while we were getting our clothes." 

Grace pushes Mel away from her and begins to shout. "Tell me what the h*ll is going on. I'm not going to allow you all to keep all these secrets from me. Tell me now!" 

"Listen, I found out who you were after we met."

"What? I told you who I was when we met at the hospital."

"No Grace, I went back to the station and talked with the Captain, I had asked him to check on a profile for me that I talked with while I was in the Seals... Once I was done talking to him he informed me that the name of the girl I was talking to was you... You were VoluptuousKitten... I'm SilverFoxNavy..." 

Her eyes said it all, they turned into a void complete emptiness enveloping her as she looked at each of us with tears flowing faster from her green eyes. 

"What..." She couldn't hardly speak as she stumbled back towards the door. "How could you all?"

"Grace... I wanted to tell you, I did... It just... The timing wasn't right..."

"Don't lie to her Spencer." Logan spits at me. Looking at him his eyes are trained on me. 

"Why Logan? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Do what to you? I'm making you come clean to Grace, but all you're telling her is half the story. You can't string her along Spencer. The reason you are interested is because you see her as a damsel in distress like Alexis."

A sob broke out from Grace as she left the room. I looked at Logan and glared. 

"How could you? You're supposed to be my best friend."

"You will thank me in the end." With that he walked out. Leaving me with heartache and pain. 

What do you think Logan means? 

How do you feel about Logan and Spencer?

What do you think Grace is going to do? 

  1,201 words :) 

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