Chapter 27

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Grace's POV

I don't want to feel, think or even be here right now. I want to leave, go far away from here. Everyone has been lying and deceiving me. Hearing the door open I look up to see Logan walk in. 

"Don't even try to stick up for him. Don't even play Devil's advocate." 

His laugh echo's off the wall of the small room making me wince as a headache forms. 

"You two really are made for each other."

"What are you talking about?"

"He told me the same thing before leaving, and I quote 'Please don't interfere. I want her to trust you without worry that you're advocating for me.'" 

"He said that?"

"I said and I quote didn't I? He really doesn't like others taking care of his mess or his problems. He prefers to solve things on his own." 

Laying back against the bed I look at the ceiling and try to feel. Right now there is nothing. I don't feel anything, I honestly feel that may be the best right now. 

"What's going through your head?"

"I don't feel anything." I whisper into the dim room. 

"I want to say this... No matter what happens just don't rush the decision. Take time. You are going to need healing and protection. He can provide the best safety for you as well as giving you the space to heal. I know what he did wasn't the best." Shooting him a glare he places his hands up in defense. "Look I'm not advocating I promise. All I'm saying is don't put him in the ground yet. Give yourself some time and let him help you while you are getting that time. I'm not saying that he needs to be around all the time. He knows the best people out there to help provide the necessary safety you need." 

"Like you?" I ask raising a brow at him. Before he can answer there is a knock at the door and Logan is quick to the draw, hand on the gun and the clasp securing it at his side is flung up as he walks to the door ready for anything. Opening the door his shoulders ease and he re-clasps his weapon as a man walks in that looks like he could lift a two ton truck. The man looked like a damn tree with some massive limbs. 

"Hey Duke!" Logan and the man he calls Duke do their manly hand shake and they both have grins so wide I swear I could count all their teeth. 

"You done playing high school besties over there at their high school reunion? Who is this Logan?"

"Seems our man Spencer is bringing in the big guns quiet literally." Logan says tossing his thumb back towards Duke. 

"Hello Miss. I'm Duke Richards I was in the Seals with Logan and Spencer." 

Nodding my head I sigh as reality comes crashing down on me. Spencer isn't joking around he's getting serious about keeping me safe. 

"So Spencer sent you to babysit?" 

"Well according to him I am helping him protect something important. We're also in talks of possibly starting a business so this helps me as well as Logan and Spencer that I'm here."

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