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Looking around the dingy bar I sigh as I once again await my date. Nothing new considering this is the 100th time it seems I am being stood up or even blown off until last minute. This happens every time, they all say they want to meet to get to know me, more like get in my pants. Once they either get what they want or are turned away they then mention how they want to only be friends. Ugh these dating apps are nothing but ridiculous. 

"Sorry I'm late traffic is a mess out there." Finally says Mark my date for tonight. After meeting on plenty of fish and chatting I decided to finally give the man a chance yet, I already regret it. 

"It's fine, just glad you were able to make it here safe." 

Glancing around avoiding eye contact he finally slides in the booth across from me. Mark  seems nervous as well as thrilled to see me. Note the sarcasm. 

"So are you ready to order then?" Replies a waitress who walked up once Mark seated himself across from me. Mel is my best friend, she waitresses here and always tells me I need to meet the men from online in public in order to maintain safety as well as to approve of them. 

"Yeah I would like the Steak and potatoes and my date here would like a salad. A water for her and a beer for me." Looking at him as if he were crazy I then looked back at Mel. 

"You sure that you want to do that darlin'?" replies Mel. 

Mark looks back at Mel with disbelief. "Of course I want to do that. No offense hunny but I'm just trying to look out for her." Mark glance back over at me and with the b*lls I think are faker than his personality winks at me. The audacity of these pig headed men is ridiculous. 

"Alright sugar. I place the order then." Mel walks back over to the bar and as I'm watching him I notice him watching Mel's backside. Of course, this is part of our routine, Mel and I. I meet suitors here so she can determine if they are worth my time. Most of the time they all steer towards her after they think they are doing me good by placing my order for me. 

"So....." He says as he tries to pretend to be interested in me. Of course now I know it's a scam.

"Well you said on your profile you have your own business? What do you do Mark?" 

"Well right now I am in the process of my business taking off, we are small right now but we have a good clientele of course. I manage a gym with a few buddies of mine, but it's not just a gym. We also have self defense training as well as other classes. We incorporate fitness with all of the aspects of life. We even have seminars on healthy eating."

Oh just f*cking great he's one of those men. I know how this is going to turn out already. He's going to be p*ssed when my meal comes for sure. The biggest issue these men have is trying to change me. They can never accept me, they seem to think being 190 pounds and being short at 5'4 makes me unattractive as well as wanting to help me lose weight. 

Soon Mel comes back with our dinners and I smirk when I see her wink at me. Seeing as I come here often to visit her as well as this is our hangout when she is off. She knows exactly what I love to eat from here especially if Hank is in the kitchen, he makes some mean barbeque ribs. Once the plates are laid out Mark looks at my meal with frustration then hisses out at Mel.

"That is not what I ordered for her." 

"No that is not what you ordered her by any means, but she sure does love her barbeque ribs when Hank is working. Oh here is your beer as well love." I smile are her wink as well as smirk back at Mark who looks absolutely flabbergasted. 

"She's my best friend we come here often as well as you can see, she works here." 

"That is unhealthy for a woman of your size." He says in slight anger. 

"Well I like my size for your information and if you don't like it then I'm sorry I am not the girl for you. I also don't want to be your next poster child for your gym either." The shock in his eyes makes me laugh. "Yes once you mentioned that you were a gym owner I knew exactly where this was going especially with the fact that your partners have tried as well." 

"Dean and Shane?" He asks almost embarrassed that I knew." 

"I do my research Mark, living here in New York I have to know exactly who I am dealing with. I have had close calls before. Not only that but you did read my bio am I correct? Or did you just skim it after Joe and Tim informed you I would be the perfect pet project?"

The blush that fans his is confirmation enough. "Look I'm not worried, this will be the only 'date' so let's just enjoy the meal."

"Are you um.... are you....?" 

"Let me guess you want to make sure I will be paying for my own meal considering mine isn't some cheap salad and water?"


"Yes Mark, I'll even pay for yours since you are as it appears no offense a joke."

Getting up I decide not to waste my breath, taking my food I head over to the bar to relax and actually enjoy this meal. 

"Was a joke?" Mel comes up as I sit down on the stool. 

"Of course it was, you know his types not only that he of course did exactly what they all do."

"Ask if you're going to pay for your own meal?"

"Bingo! Ugh where the h*ll is my Mr. Grey I am tired of these low life losers at this point I'll even settle for a Mr. Knight in shining armor." 

Laughing we both settle into a routine of talking as she passes through while working. Seems like I am still empty handed when it comes to romance and relationships. 

Let me know what you think :)

How do you feel about Mark? 

1,076 words :) 

If you would like to check out an awesome story that's completed I recommend checking out 

  His Best Friends Daughter- BK1 TPBS      by 


The story is a little mature so heads up, but I fell in love with the characters and story-line. This was one of my first books I've read on here and it was AMAZING! Go check out Mari out! 

I'm going to continue working hard on my books, I just would like to bring some attention to some completed books as well while I continue updating. Each chapter will have a new author and new book recommendation. 

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