Chapter 21

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Grace's POV

The ride was nerve wracking, I was in the dark with all my thoughts. Most of these thoughts were trying to solve why my best friend would do this to me. Once they finally stopped they left me in the van for a good half hour before they came back for me. I was sweating buckets and rocking back and forth with my arms around my knees. Fear gripped me as I worried what would happen to my unborn child. 

"Look at the little pig." Shane laughs while Mel climbs in the back and snatches my arms and begins dragging me out. I start to kick and scream, fight back some way some how but to no avail. Mel turns to me and backhands me across the face making a scream erupt from my me. 

"I wouldn't try that again if I were you, no one can hear you, but I'm not going to let you think you can get rough with me, I will break you." Mel seethes in my face as the tears stream down my cheeks hitting the floor of the van as I nod my head. Once I''m out Mel shoves me over to Shane you drags me along into what appears to be some abandoned farm house. 

"What are we doing here?" I question quietly as to not anger them further hopefully. 

"We're here to end you miss perfect."

Shock courses through my veins as the blood rushes to my head. They want to end me? Why? 

"What do you mean Mel? I thought we were friends?" Once we enter the house they drag me to a room upstairs, the house is in complete darkness, the only light coming from the windows. 

"We will get to that soon enough. We have some plans to take care of first though." Shane opens a door to what appears to be the master bedroom, looking around I see that they have moved everything out of the room and  placed a chair with chains and ropes in the room. Fear cripples me from the inside as my stomach clenches and bile tries to escape. I thrash around in his arms trying to break free but to no avail. They place me in the chair and chain my ankle to the chain that's drilled to the wall, from there they tie my wrists behind the chair, the rope burns as I try to tug. 

"Now we are heading downstairs we have things to take care of. We will be back shortly, don't leave... Oh wait haha YOU. CAN'T!" The evil grin that spreads across her face sends shivers down my spine. 

They leave me in the room... waiting... thinking... and overwhelmed with anxiety. She wants to end me and I don't even know why. Why would she act as my friend only to turn on me and try and destroy me? I think back over the years that I've known Mel, we've been best friends since we were 10, went to college together, I've never felt that she could do something so awful. I trusted her with my life. 

She stood up for me when I was being bullied in middle school, being the Pastor's daughter they all thought it would be cool to make fun of me and bully me. Mel stepped in and protected me, she was like a sister to me. She spent nights and weekends with me, her family was a little rough around the edges so my family took her in basically. Why? 

I sit there, just waiting for the other shoe to drop, silence filling the room other than my heavy breathing. I couldn't hear them downstairs, I couldn't hear anything. Then it clicks... I know this farm house. This is the farm house that Mel grew up on. 

Once things fall into place I begin thinking over why on earth she would bring me here, back to her old home? Her father had killed himself after her mother passed away from a drunk driver hitting her when she was driving home from the hospital after work. Mel was 18 at the time her father killed himself, she was 14 when her mother passed. He handled it for about 4 years, and then he couldn't anymore, he was drinking and slipping into a depression, barely leaving his room, this very room that I am in now. 

Soon I heard someone climbing the stairs and my heart begins to pound so loud that I fear they will hear it, I don't know why I fear it, they know I'm afraid. Soon the door opens revealing Shane and Mel, Shane's carrying a chair which he sits in front of me not too far from the door. Once he places the chair he leans over to Mel and whispers in her ear, then places a kiss on her head then exits the room leaving the two of us alone. 

"I don't understand." I whisper, a rogue tear slides down my face as I look to the woman I once considered my sister, my best friend, the one who wants to end me. 

"Well listen up and you will understand. I don't want to hear any off your dribble or excuses. Keep your d*mn mouth shut while I speak." 

I go to say something but choose to keep my mouth shut as she's asked. I nod my head and just stare at her, trying to see if I can find the woman I used to know. 

"You remember your dear old father? Pastor Jack Simmons?"

Nodding my head I feel my heart break at the thought of my father. It's been so long since he passed but I missed him everyday. He was a great man, the only problem was he passed early due to a man shooting him, they never found the guy, it was all over money, the guy was trying to rob my father and ended up killing him. It broke me and my mother. My mother lost herself after it happened, she's better now, but we don't speak like we used to. She lives alone now in Florida enjoying the sun. After a few deep breaths she continues. 

"Your father wasn't the man you think he was." Shock couldn't even explain how I felt at her words, she always seemed to love my father. " Your father molested and raped me from the age of 11 until I was 15. Your father was a monster!" She spits at me, anger, while I feel like someone just ripped my heart as well as my lungs out. My chest constricts as I can't even fathom the words she's saying to be true.

"Yes, you heard me right, I told my mother and my father and no one believed me, my father thought I was just being a wh*re, until he learned the truth, found your father's dirty pictures he took of me. My father murdered your father, it wasn't a robber, it was my father enacting justice, only he couldn't live with what he'd done, especially after my mother died. My father killed himself out of guilt and regret. Your whole bloodline is poisonous. I'm going to end it, your mother has already been dealt with." 

I puke, I honestly couldn't believe what she was saying. The tears stream down my face as I cry out and scream in agony at everything. This can't be true. I can't believe any of this. 

"I'm going to leave you to think on that. I want you to suffer, but first I want you to suffer hearing the lies and secrets of your past." With that she leaves me. Bent over heaving and crying my heart out over the secrets she has exposed. How? Why?

Sorry about the wait, My daughter is about to be 5! September 27th is her birthday! :) Been busy getting her signed up for school and planning her party. (She's going to be home schooled through an online school.)

So how did you feel about the secrets that have been revealed?

What do you think of Mel? 

What do you thinks going to happen? 

Not going to lie, I was sort of struggling with why Mel was angry with Grace, it took me a few days to finally settle on something that would be worth all the pain and revenge she was enacting on Grace. 

  1,295  words :) 

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