Chapter 11

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Grace's POV

After everything that happened I felt jumpy, paranoid. As the officer was driving me to the station I felt unsafe. They know where I live, they are attacking me during the day now. How can I leave the house? Is Mel safe? I felt as if I might hyperventilate, I was struggling to cope with it all. Everything was falling apart, everything was chaos. 

I miss the days when my biggest worry was getting an article done on time. 

Once we arrived at the station my eyes zeroed in on Officer Spencer immediately and it seemed as if everything was ok, I felt safe. Once the Officer parked the car Officer Spencer opened my door and I threw myself at him, the tears escaped as soon as I was in his arms. He felt safe, he was strong, and he's been there for me fighting with me since we met at the hospital, I felt I could trust him. 

"Shh.... I'm so sorry Grace, it's ok, your safe now."  He held me while I cried, all the emotions hitting me, the fear, anger, the pain. Once I was calmed down enough to head into the station he place his arm around my waist and escorted me to his captains office in order to help me feel more comfortable. 

We sat on the couch while his captain asked me some questions about the recent attack. He decided he was going to partner with Officer Spencer to take the three down after this most recent attack.

"Listen Ms. Simmons, we feel some responsibility over this, we should have been more cautious with releasing Mark. Honestly I'm surprised he did such a thing knowing his sister is an officer of the law he knows how these things work." 

"It's not your guy's fault, I myself was shocked over the attack. It was daylight... He seems to be acting irrational." I still struggled understanding why he would do it. 

"It does get better though... The DNA came back positive to Dean, he's being detained now, and Mark is as well. We're still holding Shane right now, but he will be released soon. As of now we don't have anything to hold Shane with."

My heart started to race... What if Shane came after me like Mark did... This can't be happening, I won't be safe.

Noticing my panic Officer Spencer slides on his knees in front of me and grabs my hands trying to get me to focus on him. "Listen, he's not going to get to you, we are going to keep an eye on him, and we're going to place a patrolman on you to keep you safe. What happened today, it won't happen again... I promise you."  The sincerity in his voice calmed me. I knew, somewhere deep inside that he wouldn't allow anything to happen to me if he had any say in it. 

"So... Dean is the father? Did Mark say why he attacked me?"

"Well... Mark isn't speaking, Dean is irate, he's claiming consent."

"IT WASN'T!" I shout, anger shooting through me.

"Calm down Ms. Simmons, we have all the reports. It's going to be hard for him to claim anything was consensual." The captain reminds me. 

"Is Mel going to be safe? They are getting more aggressive, I don't want to see Mel hurt." 

"She is on her way down here now actually." I shoot Officer Spencer a look of confusion. 

"What do you mean she's on her way down here?"

"Well after you arrived I sent an officer down to pick her up from work."

"Why would you do that?"

"Grace, she needs to know, not only that but once she is here I would like to talk some things over with the both of you in private..." He shoots his captain a look which the captain nods in agreement to. 

"Grace, trust that Officer Spencer here knows what he's doing... He's been in the military as a Navy Seal, he know's what he's doing."

Officer Spencer grimaces slightly at the mention of his time in the service. Why would he be embarrassed over that, it's a noble thing. "Thank you... I just hate being such a burden on Mel."

As soon as the words leave my mouth she is there giving me a death glare. 

"EXCUSE ME!? Are you serious!? How the h*ll are you a burden Grace? What the heck happened and why didn't you call me?" The anger she had in her eyes as well as fear and heartbreak broke me. I burst into tears, I don't know how pregnant women handle all this, especially with everything going on. I'm all over the place. Mel Shoo's Spencer out the way and requests some time alone.

"I'm so sorry Mel, I just don't want to put anymore on you. I'm already so dependent on you as it is even before this. You always helped me with relationships and socializing. You've been my protector for so long Mel... I just didn't want to keep placing this burden on you anymore. " After my rant Mel wraps her arms around me and sighs. 

"Grace, we're best friends. We've been best friends since middle school. You have always been there for me, you've been more like a mother to me than my own mother has. It's the least I can do to be here for you and this baby if you decide to keep it."

Once things settled down between us I asked Mel to go get Spencer to find out what he wanted  to talk with us about. 

"Alright... This may sound a little forward but I was thinking I'd ask if you girls would like to come stay at my place with me while things are getting situated with Dean and Mark. Since Shane will be out we don't want to take a chance of him retaliating as Mark did."

"Are you sure about this?" Asks Mel as she looks skeptically at Officer Spencer. 

"Well I have a friend that I was in the Navy Seal's with that lives next door. We bought a huge property together once we were out and we've built our own houses. He's across the way and he said he's willing to help me out with keeping an eye on you girls and keeping you safe."

I couldn't believe this... He was going above and beyond the call of duty for sure in order to keep me safe. I was speechless. 

"I'm good with it as long as Grace is safe. I honestly feel worried about going back to the apartment with Shane being out and about."

Thinking it over I felt it would be safer as well going to stay with two men who are former Seals. After today's attack I was ready to feel safe again. 

"I think I would feel safer... I don't want to be afraid of being in my own home, and I don't want to be afraid of going outside." 

"Then it's settled, I discussed it with the captain already and it will make it easier for us this way then posting someone outside your house. We can be sure your safe if we have someone close. Plus I trust my friend with my life, we were friends before we joined the seals together."

Once everything was settled I was exhausted. Mel and Spencer left me in the Captains office while they went to discuss some things further. I decided to lay down on the couch and rest while I waited on them....

Well what do you guy's think of Spencer's offer? 

Who do you think this friend will be?

What do you think Shane will do?  

1,248 words :)

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