Chapter 12

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Spencer's POV

I had talked with the Captain and I couldn't trust that she would be safe anymore. He knew how deeply I felt for her. He was concerned when I brought it up since I haven't come forth with who I am. Honestly though... My priorities right now have switched to her safety over trying to reveal myself to her. I know things may turn out worse if I don't come clean, but I need to make sure she is safe above all else and comfortable with me. 

Once Mel and I finished getting paperwork as well as details taken care of we headed back to the office to get Grace. Entering the office we find Grace passed out from exhaustion. 

"She's gone through so much." Mel whispers with tears pooling in the corner of her eyes. 

"Let me carry her out. She is exhausted, let's let her sleep." I explain to Mel as we look Grace over in sorrow. She's been through so much in such a little time. 

Walking over to the couch I grab Grace in my arms bridal style and begin to walk out. "Mel would you mind opening the back door on my truck and I'll lay her in the back and you can sit up front with me?" 

"Sounds good. Hopefully she can sleep until we make it to your place. We can drop her off at your place and then me and you can head over to the apartment and I'll pack our things."

"That sounds good. She really needs the rest especially after today." Arriving to my truck she unlocks it and opens the door so we can head over to my place. Once Grace is situated and buckled in the back I begin the drive to my place. I was worried how Grace and Mel would take Logan, he had an accident while we were in the Seals together. He was honorably discharged after he was caught in the range of an IED. The IED caused damage to his left side, his eye was hit with some shrapnel making him blind in that eye as well as his left leg was messed up pretty bad to where he has to go through physical therapy. 

"Hey Mel, I need to tell you something first... A couple things actually." Driving to My place first I begin to inform her of the first thing. I'll let her know about me knowing Grace after we drop Grace off to sleep at my place. 

"What is it Spencer?"

"The first thing is my friend Logan has some medical problems. He was in the blast range of an IED, he had some shrapnel hit him in the eye causing him to go blind in that eye. He also has  to go to therapy for his left leg." 

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry to hear that. Grace and I would never make him feel uncomfortable I can promise you that."

"Thank you, the other thing we can discuss when we are heading back to your place." Mel looks over to me with suspicion in her eyes. 

"Why can't we discuss it now?" 

"Just trust me please?" I glance over to her with hope. 

"Ok..." She trails off and looks behind us as she hears some noises. 

Glancing in the rear-view mirror I hear grace whimpering and  struggling in the back. 

"Is she ok?" Mel looks to me with worry and fear in her eyes.

"It's probably a nightmare." Right  after I say it, screaming erupts from the backseat. Pulling over to the side of the road so we can calmly speak with Grace and calm her down I park the truck and climb out and open the back door. 

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