Chapter 10

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Spencer's POV

The judge provided the warrant for Dean, he wouldn't allow me to get DNA for Shane since there hasn't been anything to tie him to the attack other than being on a date with Grace previously and being friends with Mark and Dean. So now it comes down to cracking him or getting him to slip up. 

The officers arrive with the boys doing as I asked each man is escorted with two officers and they are all brought in separately in order to give them less chance to collaborate a story line together. They've already had enough time since I last talked to them to fix any loopholes or inconsistencies.  

I head over to let the desk clerk know I need blood drawn on Dean. Next I'm going to begin with Mark, then Shane and hopefully by the time I'm done with them I will have the DNA back on the rape kit and Dean's DNA giving me a match. 

Entering Mark's interrogation room I find that his head is down and his knee is bouncing up and down. "Everything alright Mark?" His head snaps up at the sound of my voice. 

"Oh... Hey Spencer, everything is alright, just not sure what they brought us in for. We gave you guys all that we knew." 

"Well we have some new evidence that has brought you all in for questioning." A look of shock passes over his face, the fear the ignites in his eyes lets me know he knows about everything. 

"What kind of evidence?" The quiver in his voice sickens me. 

"We have DNA from the rape, the victim also received a threatening message in regards to her statement. Know anything? I'm telling you now if you know anything you need to come forward now, I can't help you if the others talk. The first to talk gets the deal."

Looking around the room he his throat looks as if it's having a hard time swallowing. The Adam's apple is struggling to move up and down. 

"I don't know anything..." Sighing he lays his head back on the table as if in defeat. 

"Alright, I'm going to send someone in to get your statement down on paper for now, and I'm going to go have a talk with Shane."

Exiting the room I feel the weight of everything falling on my shoulders. I really need Dean's DNA to come back positive, if not I have no way to  Shane unless he rolls over. This is out of hand, I at least have Dean on the email. Heading to Shane's room I enter and find him pacing the room as if he were a caged lion. 

"Hello Shane."

"Hey Officer Spencer, to what do I owe this pleasure?" The mask has flipped to the cool and in control Shane, not letting anything through. 

"Well we had some new evidence come to light so we brought you all in to see what you guys wanted to do. I can only help you guys if you tell me what happened. If someone else speaks, I can't help you Shane."

"What do you mean evidence? We weren't there."

"They left DNA, as well as sent a threat to the victim."

Shock and fear cross his eyes but his face remains neutral. I need him to crack. 

"I was just talking with Mark, he says he had nothing to do with any of this and that he had no idea what you all had planned. What do you have to say?" 

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