Chapter 25

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Spencer's POV

Looking at the broken form of Grace makes my chest ache as well as my blood boil. We didn't find Shane and it infuriates me that we can only catch these b*stards one at a time. I am over their crap, they need to be punished to the full extent. I'm afraid for what all this has done to my sweet innocent Grace. She never deserved any of this, especially coming from one of her closest friends, I never saw this coming and to think how she feels... the betrayal alone probably feels like nothing I can imagine. 

Once we arrive to the hospital they take Grace from me and I slide down the wall feeling everything slow down around me. I don't feel strong enough to protect her. My goal once I found her was to be happy and build a life with her and I couldn't even keep her safe once I found her. How could I even try to be with her? I am not strong enough. 

"Get out of your head now Spencer." A voice echos off the walls in my head pulling me from the darkness I was descending into. Looking up I see both my Captain as well as Logan standing there. 

"How can I even look her in the eyes?" I sigh leaving the words hanging. I am not the man I thought I was. 

"You need to look in the mirror young man. What she will see is not a man who couldn't keep her safe but a man who fought to protect her as well as be there for her. She will not blame you for anything. The only thing you need to focus on right now is healing her and telling her the truth. She needs to know who you are and she needs to stay with you until we find Shane. He is the end to all this." Looking at my Captain I sigh and nod my head. Soon we hear screams echoing through the hospital as nurses and doctors rush around heading towards the sound. Shooting up I follow as well as my Captain and Logan.

Coming to the room that the screams are escaping I look in seeing Grace cowering in the corner with all the doctors and nurses trying to get to her, every time they get close screams escape her lips. Pushing through the crowd I move the doctors aside and kneel down. 

"Grace baby." I whisper softly in order to not frighten her further. The girl before me glances up through her hair and soon flings herself at me. 

"Spencer, please take me out of here." She whispers while burying her face in my neck. 

"Listen Grace, they need to check you over. We need to ensure that there are no serious injuries as well as check on the baby." The whimpers that leave her break me. I have to suck in a breath and calm myself down. I want to destroy Mel and Shane so much that I don't even care if I never see the light of day again if I can bring peace to this innocent woman. "How about I keep you in my lap while they look you over? Will that work?" 

Nodding her head I stand with her in my arms and climb on the bed placing her in my lap we face the doctors and they begin to start an IV and draw blood as well examining her wounds. 

Once all the commotion calms down the Captain and Logan head over to me. 

"Do you think she will talk with you or do you want us to try and get a statement later?" Captain asks looking at Grace who has fallen asleep once more curled up in my lap head on my chest. 

"I will discuss it with her when she wakes if she is comfortable enough. I won't push her. Not after everything that she has gone through." Nodding his head he pats my shoulder then turns to Logan doing the same then exiting the room. 

"You staying?" I look at Logan as I wait to see what he plans. 

"Yeah I can't just leave her... This is too much for any one person to handle." Nodding my head he makes his way to a chair and takes a seat and begins to nod off himself. I know that I won't be sleeping anytime soon. My nerves alone are shot, I feel like a ball of energy that needs to be burned up. I just stare out at the sky while I rub Grace's back. 

It doesn't take long before the nightmares begin. I knew they would be happening and I wanted to keep her from those horrible memories more than anything. Once she starts to whimper and struggle I being to whisper soothing words to her trying to ease the pain. It won't be enough but I hope it can help. 

My hopes seem to not work, she begins to fully freak out trying to escape my hold imagining me to be Shane as she screams at me alerting Logan to the problem. Soon I am waking her, pulling her from her sleep. Once her eyes meet mine the tears fall and she cries. 

"It's ok Grace, they can't hurt you anymore. I'm so sorry that this happened to you again. I should have been able to protect you. I'm sorry." I sigh as I pull her into a tight embrace. 

"It wasn't your fault... It was mine alone..." She whispers between sobs. My chest rumbles in anger at how much they broke her for her to feel that she is at fault in ludicrous.

"No Grace." I don't get to finish as she puts her hand and on my mouth and looks between Logan and I and what she tells me makes me want to destroy Mel more than I already do. 

"My father... He raped and molested Mel...He made her abort a child." 


"She wanted to hurt me just as much as my father hurt her." She whispers. 

"That is no excuse Grace!" At my outburst she jumps looking up at me with fear in her eyes. Taking a deep breath I look at her and try to remain calm. "You were but a child yourself, she should have never involved you or blamed you for the actions of your father. Her doing this is no better than what he did to her, it's worse. She should have done something when she was younger or she should have at least informed you. To punish you for your fathers actions she became just like the monster himself." Tears streaming down her face she looks at me and nods as I look to Logan I decide I need to tell her now or never. I have held this in too long. 

"Grace.... There is something I need to tell you...." 

Well you guys I have decided I am going to try and finish this book at 30 chapters. So I hope to have the story finished here shortly. 

What do you think? 

How do you think Grace will react? 

Eminem or MGK? 


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