Chapter 15

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Grace's POV

The smell of bacon awoke me, the smell making my stomach churn and not in a hungry way but more a prepare to pray to the porcelain gods this morning smell. 

Shooting up out of bed I dash out the door and head straight to the bathroom to empty my stomach once more. Entering the bathroom I'm once again barely bringing anything up, since all I ate was half a piece of toast. 

"Grace are you all right?" Spencer's shocked voice pulls my head out of the toilet for a small second and I realize in my haste I didn't shut the door. 

"I'm sorry." I barely mumble as I felt extremely weak. 

The sound of the front door opening draws Spencer's attention. 

"Hey Logan, I'm back here with Grace." Spencer hollers down the hall. I lean back against the wall feeling too weak to move or even care that Logan would see me puking again or that Spencer was seeing me once more as a weak damsel in distress. 

"Oh you poor thing. Let's get you up and to the couch, I'll make you some toast and get you a glass of water to help with your stomach." Logan says as he enters the bathroom and makes his way towards me and helps me up.  

Walking to the sink with Logan's arm around my waist I once again brush my teeth and my legs feel wobbly. I began to lean most of my weight against Logan as I felt a little lightheaded. 

"I told you that you should have eaten more, being pregnant you are eating for two. You need to also schedule an appointment with an O.B and see how everything is going." Smiling weakly I nod to him in thanks and we begin walking towards the door my legs shaking and Logan has to practically carry me out. 

"Let her go Logan." Spencer practically grounds out. 

"She can't hardly walk Spencer, she's weak, she threw up last night." Logan tells him with a 'are you kidding me look'. 

Spencer just ignores Logan and snatches me out of his arms and lifts me up carrying me bridal style so quickly that I squeak in surprise. 

"What the h*ll Spencer?"

"Logan doesn't need to drag you out of the bathroom, I can easily carry you out here and Logan can go make you the toast and get you a water." He says to me matter-of-factly.  

Spencer takes me to the living room and places me on the couch, once I'm seated he gathers some cushions and places them behind me. 

"There, are you comfortable?" 

"What was all that? Are you crazy?" 

"What do you mean?" He actually looks even better when he looks lost. Snap out of it Grace. 

"You acted all cave man and  pulled me from Logan as if he were p*ssing on a tree you marked as your territory."

His face morphs instantly as a grin breaks out across his face and a big booming laugh erupts from those normally pouting lips. The laugh seems to reverberate through my chest as butterflies flutter in my stomach. 

"Where in the world do you get that analogy from?" He asks me once his laughter dies down.

"What's so funny?" Logan asks once he enters the living-room carrying a plate of toast and a bottle of water. 

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