Chapter 28

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Spencer's POV

I was mad at myself mostly, she needs time before she will let me explain myself. She was ready to talk before Mel and Shane interfered but after everything that happened it's too soon. 


A notification sound alerts me to a text on my phone. Glancing at it I see that it's coming from Logan. 

Logan: She's wanting to stay with me. She also said something about her car was left at the restaurant. Have a look. 

Rubbing my hand down my face I feel anger, of course she wouldn't want to stay with me after everything that has happened.

Me: I will look into it. As for her staying with you... Not going to happen. She will stay at my place with Duke guarding it. Let her know I will be taking sleeping at your place, I will only ever be there to get more clothes. 

After everything that happened I won't allow Shane to get his hands on her. My place is a million times safer and more guarded than Logan's 

Logan: She agreed... After I begged and pleaded. 

Of course he would have to beg her. She wants nothing to do with me right now. Anger flares in my chest and I throw my fist in the wall. I will have to patch that before she comes here. I grab a bag and start packing my things. Once I'm all packed up I head over to Logan's and with my spare key I head in and place my things in his spare room. 

Once everything at Logan's as well as my place was taken care of I head over to the station. Once there I get the calls out to everyone to set up shifts around the house. I already have Duke at the hospital, he was the first call I made on my way home. I have a few more buddies from the seal's that will be joining us as well. 

Heading in to talk to the Captain is my last task for the day. 

"Hey Captain, what's going on with Mel? She tell us anything on Shane?"

"She's smart. Asked for a lawyer and refuses to speak. Did Grace talk at all?"

"Yeah she mentioned that Mel accused her father of raping and impregnating her as well as forcing an abortion. I think there is more to the story but that's all that we got from her so far."

"I'll try and get a hold of Grace's mother, check if the information has any validity. I will also send it up to the DA's knowing they will try for a psych defense. Let's try to get ahead of this." 

Nodding my head I stand up and prepare to leave. "I'm going to take some time off and get things clear as well as try and help Grace out. I will keep you posted on any information I get from her." 

"Alright, good luck son. I will see you in a week. Keep an eye on here. I will send a black and white out to keep any eye out on your guy's houses while we keep looking for Shane. No repeats of this mess here would be nice." 

Leaving his office I call up Logan and find out if they are keeping her or discharging her. 

"Hey brother what's up?" I hear him whispering. 

"Everything alright? She coming home tonight or are they keeping her?"

"Well things are ok, she has a headache and they gave her a sedative to help her sleep as well as get rid of the ache. They are keeping her for observation." 

"Alright, I'll stay at my place until you guys come home. How's Duke doing?" 

"He's fine, I had to keep him from letting it slip what happened to you. I know you want to be able to tell her yourself."

Rubbing my hand across my face I sigh, they mean well I know they do but I just want to fight my own battles without any help from them. "Yeah... I'll tell her everything when she's ready and now isn't the time." 

"Honestly she isn't too happy living at your place with you at mine. She is still afraid Spence." 

"I was worried about that. If it comes down to it I will get a hotel room to keep her happy. I don't want her to stress out."

"I'm worried about what Shane did to her." He whispers even lower. 

My mind flashes to the images of her, of the marks on her body, the fear in her eyes. I want that man six feet below the ground... Maybe even 12 feet. The things he did makes my skin crawl. I'm amazed at her strength. She's stronger than she gives herself credit for that's for sure. 

"Spencer... You still there?" 

"Yeah... I was thinking over it. That sick b*stard deserves something worse than prison. It would be too good for him." 

"I agree. Did the Cap get Mel to give him up?"

"No, she asked for a lawyer and is refusing to speak. I told him what Grace said and he's going to go to the DA and give them the heads up that they may go with and insanity defense. He's also going to try and get the facts or any kind of information he can from Grace's mother."

"Well I hope they can get that defense thrown out. She planned all this, she was in her right mind that's for sure."

"I agree but you know they will always go for that defense especially if they were abused in the past. I think it will be thrown out as well. I'm going to head home, set things up for her as well as get her vehicle from the restaurant brought out to my place. Ask her real quick where she was staying so I can go get her things from there and take them to the house for when she comes home." 

I hear some shuffling on the line then some whispers as I wait for the response. Once I get the address I head over there after telling Logan to make sure him and Duke keep a close eye on her. 

Once I reach the motel I talk with desk attendant and get her room, heading to the room I gather all her things and see the information on her vehicle. I call over to the station and request that the guys that will be the black and whites outside the house drive over and have the second officer to drive the vehicle to my place. 

Meeting the officer's over at the restaurant I give them the spare key she had at the motel and we all head over to the house. 


Shane's POV  

That b*tch just had to go and get caught! Fuming mad I watch while that d*ck of an officer do good get's everything and heads home. Leading me right to my little slave. I will have her back. One way or another. 

I can't strike soon though... I need to lay low, they are looking for me. Once I scout the houses as well as the area I have the idea already forming in my head on how I'm going to get my slave back.

Well what did you guy's think?

Two chapters left and then I will begin working on the second book.

I'm thinking of book names right now...

Did you enjoy that quick look at Shane? 

1,208 words :)

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