Chapter 8

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Spencer's POV

The fear that I saw in her eyes broke a piece of me, to wonder if you may be carrying the child of one of the men that raped you has to be one of the hardest things to face, let alone having  to decide if you want to continue with the pregnancy, the birth and then keeping it or adopting the child out... I can't imagine the fear and pain, only see glimpses of it in the depths of her eyes as she tries to hold herself together. 

"Have you thought more about what you will do if you are?" I ask as we sit waiting for her to look at the test. 

"I think I may keep it, or at least see how I feel during the pregnancy. See if I can love the child, or if I will resent it. I want to give it a chance."

This woman is an absolute saint... "That's really brave, as well as thoughtful." 

"I've had a month to think about it, it's been at the back of my mind for a while now." She glances over to the tests and sighs. "I guess this is the moment of truth..." She doesn't move, still sitting there, hands shaking, body stiff and un-moving. 

"Would you like me to take a look for you?" She glances to me with tears waiting, eyes turning red from holding the tears in. The hope and appreciation shows as she nods her head. Walking over to the counter where she placed them on the bag to of course keep the counter clean. Looking over the tests they all read the same... Positive. She's pregnant with her rapists baby. The dread, like lead sinks in my gut and I feel as though my feet and body have left me and all that remains is my brain floating. I'm no longer here it seems. How do I break the news to her? 

Eventually I find my way back, pushing through the fog and shaking the lead free I pull strength from my time as a seal and shook these emotions away as I turned to Grace. 

As I turned the emotions played across her face almost so quick I barely caught them. Fear, dread, acceptance and most importantly sadness. The tears broke free as she began to break down, rocking back and forth with her arms wrapped around her stomach. Crossing over to her I just pulled her close and rocked with her as one of her hands reached out and gripped onto my shirt for dear life it appears. 

"It will be ok." I whisper as she wraps her mind around this new obstacle that has found its way in her path.

"I was a virgin and they took that from me, I wanted my first child to be with someone I love and could build a family with and NOW THEY TOOK THAT FROM ME TOO!" The anger that coursed through her came almost out of no where. I understood the anger, but she went right from tears streaming down her face in a breakdown to banging her fists on my chest as she yelled. 

"I want you OUT! Get out of my house!" Shock courses through me as she begins screaming at me and pointing to the door. "GET THE HELL OUT!" 

"Grace, calm dow" I barely get to spit my words out as she storms to the front door, swings it open and begins her screaming once more. 

"Get the hell out now!" I stand and head to the door. The best thing I can do for her is to go get her friend Mel, she really shouldn't be alone after finding out something like this. 

Leaving I head straight over to dukes to find Mel and get her to head over to their apartment while I go find a way to put these b*stards away.

Walking into Dukes I find Mel straight away behind the bar talking with another associate. "Mel!" I shout as I approach, the male associate looks me over and looks as if he is sizing me up. 

"Hey officer Spence, what're doing here?" 

"You need to go home, Grace took the tests, she kicked me out." 

"What tests?" Then after she says it it seems that is clicks in her head what I mean, her eyes go wide and fear grips at her as I watch her hand go to her chest. "NO." 

"Yes, she isn't too stable at the moment, she booted me from the apartment screaming at me, I don't want her to be alone, who knows what could happen at this point." 

Mel looks over to her associate and he nods his head. She begins to exit the bar and looks back to me to see if I'm following. "Are you coming?"

"No I'm going to go back to the precinct and give my boss the new evidence that Grace gave me."

"What evidence?" She looks at me with questioning eyes. 

"Dean threatened her. It should be enough for a subpoena for DNA on him at least." 

"Nail his a*s" She says as she heads out to take care of her friend in need.

Heading to the precinct I decide to talk with the Chief and see how he thinks we should play it.

Arriving to the office I head straight to him. "Hey you have a minute Captain?" 

"Yeah son what's up?"

"Dean sent a message to her threatening her, we also have DNA, only problem is how do we get Shane?" 

"Bring them all down, separate rooms, you know the drill, get one to crack if possible." 

"Alright I get some cars out to grab the boys then."

Heading out of the office I head to the front desk to ask for some cars to pick up the boys. "I need all three, I need them separate." 

Heading down to the judge to get the warrant for DNA I pray that I can at least get Dean behind bars, I can go after Shane later, but with Dean out of the picture I can pressure the others to crack without their leader.

Grace, I will get you justice, I will protect you this time. 

What did you think? 

What do you think Grace will do? 

How do you feel about Spencer now? 

1,047 words :)

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