Chapter 9

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Grace's POV 

I felt as though my chest was caving in on itself, I could practically feel the bones pressing into my heart. The agony over everything that I was losing, it's been hard enough to face the fact that they stole my virginity, now they have given me a child. 

Shaking as I sit in the corner on the floor thinking everything over I feel completely numb. I know I said that I would keep the baby but the thought is there, with one pill, with one trip to the doctors this could all be over. I could still have the life that I want. Can I handle the guilt though. Can I handle that in the future? Knowing I killed a baby...

Soon someone is shaking me back to reality. I realize it's Mel looking at me with fear in her eye. 

"Grace, WHY? Why didn't you wait or even tell me?" The tears pooling in her eyes has more streaming down my face, the pain I feel coming out. 

"I was hoping it wouldn't be real. I finally had the courage to see. I'm pregnant Mel... and I don't know if I can honestly be as strong as I want to be and keep it. What am I going to do?" I begin blubbering and blabbering on, giving Mel all my thoughts on a silver platter. My fears of guilt the future, everything. The greatest thing she did... was hold me and listen. I cried and talked and I more than likely didn't make a lick of sense but she listened and rocked with me when I needed  her to, she held me and just stayed with me while I broke down. 

Once I finally calmed down some and wasn't so hysterical I felt a calm wash over me. "You know now and that is the most important step. Now you can move forward with your life, make the decision that is best for you, your heart, and most of all your conscious."

"Thank you Mel. You've been the biggest help... How did you know?"

"Well a very worry smitten... I mean stricken officer came to my work demanding I attend to my best friend... which by the way he did not inform me how hysterical you were... and stay with her after she received such horrible news... which also by the way that said friend should have talked and informed me of said decision first..."

"Ok I get it. I'm just glad that he went to get you... Even after I went all crazy on him."

"Yes, he was a little worse for wear." Shooting her a look of incredulity she begins laughing. "Grace, you couldn't upset a fly, he was freaking out because he didn't want you left alone. He looked determined to handle your case though, he was heading there to get things taken care of." 

"Everything is so messed up Mel. I don't honestly know how I'm going to do this."

"That's the thing Gracey, it's not just you, it's us." 

My heart melted at those words, Mel was more than a best friend, she was family, a sister. "Mel that means a lot to me. Thank you." Knowing I have support helps, it helps me know what I want to do. 

After all the craziness we finally decided to get up and get some food and veg out the rest of the day on the couch watching movies. This was what I really needed more than anything, to relax and take my mind off everything.

Close to evening I glance over to Mel and notice that she has dozed off on the couch, gently I shake her awake. 

"Huh?" She mumbles as she fights to open her eyes. 

"Hey, it's late and you've been sleeping already, why don't we call it a night and head to bed."

Nodding she gets up and makes the trek to her room, I begin going the same way, except I decide to log on to my email to see if I have any messages, work or maybe even personal. 

Looking through my emails I notice I do have a very unusual email in there. 

OfficerSealFox...hmmm I wonder if it could possibly be my guy...

Opening the email my heart is racing and excitement and sadness fill me. Sadness that the man I have grown to care for... love really... is probably going to think differently once he finds out everything. 

OfficerSealFox83 - to GSimVK1994

Hello VoluptuousKitten, 

It's so wonderful to finally have some form of contact with you again, I've missed our chats dearly love. 

I know that there is no excuse for going MIA on you, for that I am dearly sorry. There are things that I need to tell you and I'm not sure how you will take them. 

I have been looking for you since I was released from duty, I had someone try to find you the moment that I was home so we could finally meet, I thought you finally found someone when I couldn't find your profile. 

I know it's crazy... I probably sound like a stalker, but I promise you it's nothing like that. You were what got me through my toughest days, I remembered your face, that smile, those eyes. When things were bad I would always fight harder just thinking that I wanted to see that face in person at least once. 

I hope we can meet. Once again... there are things that I need to tell you and I'm not sure how you will take them, I promise I never meant for things to happen the way they did, but fate has a way of taking well lead plans and blowing those plans right up in front of your eyes. 

I hope you are well, can't wait to see your reply, as well as meet you in person... hopefully. 


He found someone... that has to be it... the man I've been waiting for has more than likely found someone. What if he's married, and he wants to let me down gently. I don't know what to do this can't be happening. Everything I hoped for is falling apart right in front of my eyes. 

The least I can give myself is seeing this man face to face and put a face to the words. I want to at least be able to say goodbye to the dreams I had of the future we could have had together. 

Working up the courage to let him know how I feel in the email, I hit send without second guessing myself and decide to head to bed after everything I am finally able to settle down and get to sleep. 

What do you think Grace should do? 

What do you think Grace said to Spencer? 

1,122 words :)

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