Chapter 7

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Grace' POV

Weeks seem to pass by in a blur, the world seemed to dull around me. Leaving the house felt as if it were a chore, the constant fear that surrounded me was suffocating. 

"You need to see someone Grace. You look sick it's been a month. You need to talk to someone about it." Sighing I know she is right and I know she is just looking out for me, that's just how Mel is.

"I will I promise, I actually scheduled an appointment the other day I go in tomorrow." Smiling she hugs me as she heads out to work. Thankful that I work from home most of the time being a journalist and writer I am able to stay in more except when I need to head to the store or to do some research. 

Deciding to finally log onto the dating account to delete it I notice that I have a couple messages. Checking my inbox my stomach drops to the floor. I have a message from Dean, and one from a ghost from the past. 

Opening Dean's first I feel dread well up inside me. 

I know you told the police, and I know you will back down if you know what is best for you. Retract your statements or prepare for what I have planned. 

I couldn't help it, I dropped my computer on the table and ran to the bathroom heaving my guts up. Sobs wracked my body as I rocked back and forth with fear crawling down my spine. After a while of cleaning myself of and composing myself once more I head back out to check my email from the SilverFoxNavy someone I thought was dead... 

I'm not sure if you will receive this. I've been looking for you, trying to get a hold of you on here but you aren't on anymore it seems. There are things I need to tell you. Things that I hope you understand. I never meant to abandon you or to disappear the way I did. I always planned to come for you. Please if you get this, message me, let me know there is still hope for us. 

Happiness wells up inside my chest, he's alive! Quickly I compose a message to him deciding to leave my email with him informing him of the deletion of the account. 

You had me worried, I thought I lost you forever, I thought.... you were.... dead.... I know I should have kept hope but with everyday that passed with no word from you I feared for the worst. My heart ached at the thought of losing you. I'm leaving this site for good after... I had a bad experience. I want to see you more than anything. email me... I hope to hear from you soon.  

After leaving my email I just hope that I will have a chance to finally meet with him after so long. 

Deciding I need to call the Detective to get information as well as to inform him of the threat. Calling Spencer we decide to meet at a cafe to go over everything. 

Heading to meet with Spencer I decide to stop at the pharmacy to get something that I was dreading. Pregnancy tests... I know there is a chance, I just couldn't see myself killing the child or even a morning after pill I've always believed in God having a plan, if he planned for me to go through all of this then I would have faith in him. 

Once I picked up the tests I headed to the cafe to meet with Spencer. Once inside I found him faster than I thought I would, it seemed that as soon as I entered my eyes went straight to him without having to look around. The handsome man that is Spencer Williams seems to draw all eyes to him in the cafe, the women want to be with him, the men want to be him, some may even want to be him and I can't blame any of them. 

Standing up he waits for me to take a seat then settles back down. "Hello Ms. Simmons, how are you feeling?" 

"Well I would be much better if you called me Grace." Smiling at him with a smirk as a slight red tint floods his cheeks but quickly fades. 

"Well Grace, how are you, you said you had some new information?"

"Yes, I mentioned that I met the men on a dating app didn't I?"

Clearing his throat he nods to me in understanding. "Yes I believe so, is there something else?" 

"Well I received a message from Dean recently, he wants me to drop the charges and accusations."

"So is that what you are here to tell me?" He questions with a hint of anger lacing his words.

"Of course not!  I want justice served. I just wanted to bring you a copy of the message." 

"Good because I wanted to tell you the DNA came back from the kit they did at the hospital. We just need to get the court to get a warrant for the DNA from Dean and Shane to match."

"Will this message with a clear threat in it help in any way?"

"I do believe so, this will definitely be helpful in getting the judge to provide a warrant maybe even more."

"Thank you, you don't know how much this all means to me after everything they did to me. I should be heading out. I have some important things to get to."

"Have you found out yet?"

Looking to him with confusion I try to think what he is referring to. "What?"

"If I recall correctly it's been a month since the attack and your friend mentioned that you didn't take the morning after pills."

"Oh... That's actually what I'm about to go find out." Waving the bag in my hand to explain he nods to me with worry in his eyes.

"Is your friend home?"

"She's working right now, I think it's best anyhow, she doesn't agree with the decisions I've made in regards to this."

"Do you want some support? I can come over and wait with you. I really would prefer you have someone there to be with you for safety in case you go into shock again."

Smiling sadly I nod my head at his offer. "I would appreciate this."

"I'll follow you over to your place." We head out to find out the scariest thing I've had to face since the incident. Was I pregnant with my rapist's baby? And which one is the father?

What do you think the tests will say? 

How do you think Grace will React?

What about Spencer, how do you think he will feel? 

1,107 words :)

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