Chapter 22

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13 years ago (Flashback No specific POV)


The chapter you are about to read may be uncomfortable, it's going to touch on sexual assault of a minor as well as discuss self harm. If you are not comfortable reading this stop when you see the first set of * and pick back up when you see the second set of * . Thank you and I hope you enjoy. 


Little Grace had made her first real friend, it was hard being the Pastor's daughter. Many girls thought she was too uptight and clean cut, they didn't want to be seen or judged by Grace, they didn't know that she would never judge them though. Melissa saw through that, she saw Grace being harassed by some girls and stepped in, she stopped them from bullying her. 

Soon they became thick as thieves, one was not seen without the other. Melissa was due to visit Grace's house for the first time ever. She was unsure how it would be entering the home of a Minister. Her family wasn't that Godly to say the least, they never even attended a Sunday service, but they were good people. 

The day arrived that Mel would visit the home, she was nervous, she cared a lot for Grace, they were beginning to feel like sisters. When they reached the house Mel felt nerves bunch in her stomach as she followed Grace. Once in the house Grace shouted excitingly to her parents informing them of their arrival. 

Once the Minister and his wife came into view Mel felt goosebumps run down her arms as she glanced at the Pastor, the way his eyes looked at her made her skin crawl. Once the introductions were made they strolled up to Grace's room to study and hang out. 

Not long into the visit Mel went to the bathroom, things were going great... Exiting the bathroom there he was with a sinister sparkle in his eye. Mel backed away... Just to cage herself in the bathroom with this Minister who made her skin crawl. 

"Look at you... You look so beautiful... My little Gracy is a lucky girl to have found you." He whispers as his hand reaches out and cups her face. She begins to panic, she goes to open her mouth only for his hand to cover it. "No no little Mel, we are going to spend some time together. I promise you will like it." 


Mel's heart begins to race as Pastor Simmons begins to grope her breast with his other hand. Soon though his hand moves and grabs the hand towel from beside her head and he leans in close to her ears to whisper. "Not a peep, or you will feel the wrath of God." Tears fall from her eyes as he moves his hand only to pry her mouth open and shove the hand towel in. From there he begins to pull her panties down, making her regret wearing the dress she wore, the dress her mother promised made her look stunning. She wanted to die... She felt tears stream down her face faster as she felt him take the innocence she had. 

The world looked dull, no sounds, no color everything felt empty when he was done. Mel could barely move, while Pastor Simmons finished, her arms gripping the counter while her head hung low, the rag in her mouth stopping the sobs that try to break free from her chest she felt void, as if the moment he took her innocence her soul and spirit left her. 

"That was perfect my little flower. Now, I expect you to keep this between us, and I expect you to continue being friends with my little Gracey. If not... We wouldn't want your daddy and mommy to lose their jobs would we? You'd be out on the streets. I know everyone in this town, I can make it happen." 

The fear she felt at the words he spoke, the venom lacing his words. She thought of her father, how he worked so hard, and her mother as well. Whimpering she nodded her head solemnly. The smile he gave felt like the Cheshire cat, the wickedness to it brought more tears to her eyes. She felt like she was going to puke. She was shaking and fell to the floor once he departed leaving her alone to deal with the onslaught of emotions flooding her after this so called Pastor and Father assaulted her.  


Grace's POV

I felt like I was going to be sick, I can't believe Mel would say such things about my father, he was a good man, a man that loved and feared God. I didn't get to think much longer as Mel entered the room once more, I felt anger and disbelief come over me at all that she has said and done.

"How could you live with yourself saying such horrible things. My father was a God loving and fearing man. How could you accuse him? He was there for you just as much as I was!" I shout at her, my anger getting the best of me. 

"You have always been so stupid and naive, your father raped and molested me, he did foul things to me because he couldn't imagine doing them to his precious Angel! Do you realize the pain I went through? He wanted to touch YOU! He knew though that your mother would never tolerate it, she knew what he was doing to me. She saw what he did to me! She wouldn't allow him to touch you, you were her baby. She was fine if he diddled other little girls."


"Yes! That's why I HATE YOU! You ruined me, all because your parents wanted to protect you from him, but they were fine ruining me. The first night I came to your house your father took my innocence, in your bathroom when I left your room to use the rest room. He told me that if I ever told anyone that he would put my parents out of work. He made me stay friends with you!"

"Then why? Why did you stay?"

"I wanted you to suffer the way that I did, I want to ruin you. You don't even know the half of it... I was pregnant after the first time he raped me... He... He... He forced me to have an abortion. They took my baby from me... I'm going to take yours from you, I will take everything from you after what they have done to me."

Tears stream down my face as a sob breaks free from me, how could she do such a thing? This baby may not have been something I chose, but I've accepted it. "Please don't do this." 

"You won't be able to have that baby.. I waited... I wanted you to decide on keeping that baby, grow attached, I wanted to rip it from you just like your father and mother ripped mine from me. I will destroy you just as they have done to me." After that she stands up and exits the room once more, only for Shane to enter. 

"What are you going to do?"

"Were going to have some fun..." 

What do you think is going to happen?

How do you feel about what's been revealed? 

So my daughter likes to come up with jokes... She's about to be 5 so they aren't really jokes but she tries. Today she tells me a new one. 

"What do you call a puppy and kitty?"

Idk what?

"An animal present." And she cracks up laughing. I love my kid she can be a trip. 

1,205 words :) 

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