Chapter 19

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Grace's POV

It had been a month... Everything passed slowly I was still looking for a house but I couldn't settle on one that I liked. I had a lot of missed calls from Spencer, Logan and a few from Mel. She seemed to know I needed space. Her voicemails always mention that she's there for me when I'm ready. Spencer and Logan though seem desperate to know where I am. They even seem to have overcome their problems. 

The other thing I am not looking forward to is the fact that they are preparing to discuss the cases with Mark and Dean. They are trying to get them to keep things out of court. If they both agree and take a deal and admit to guilt then we won't have to go to court and I can get some peace. The only thing that I fear is that... Dean will want to get rights to this child. I've asked the lawyers to put it in the stipulations that he sign his rights off in order to protect me and my child. 

Yes... I said my child. I've chosen to keep this baby after the long nights of staying up and staring up at the sky. I find myself speaking to the baby in those times, talking about my feelings and hopes for the future... As I discussed those hopes I found myself including the child as part of the future, and I couldn't see things any other way. 

Things may not be turning out the way that I had planned but I was desperate to create something better from the mess that was created for me. My phone rings at exactly 3 pm everyday. I will say one thing, he is very reliable and determined. Everyday at 3 Spencer calls trying to get me to answer, once he gets my voicemail he leaves me the sweetest messages that tear at my heart. The man is amazing and I find myself falling for him and forgiving him. 

The first message I received was one asking for forgiveness and informing me that he never saw me as a damsel in distress but more of a strong inspiring women from all our chats. He was really wearing me down. It was 2:45 pm and I was patiently waiting for the call knowing I would hear from him. I think today I may answer, I need to ask him some things and I need answers, and his voicemails are just his thoughts and answers but not to the questions I want to ask. 

Laying in the bed I wait for his phone call, feeling a flutter in my stomach, a slight anxiety over talking with him. This last week I had fought with myself over whether or not I should answer him and I finally decided I needed to talk with him. 

The sound of my phone ringing brings me out of my thoughts and I about jump out of my skin  and practically toss my phone. Playing hot potato with the phone for a second trying to get a grip on it I finally calm my racing heart and grip the phone a little tighter to ensure I don't drop it. 

Once I answer the phone I listen, my heart pounding so hard in my chest I'm afraid he can hear it. 

"Grace? Did you... did you answer? Are you ok?"

Breathing deeply I look to the ceiling of the motel room and begin. "Hey Spencer... I'm good. I just finally felt I was more comfortable to answer you."

"Are you sure your ok? You've had me worried! Have you gotten any of my voicemails?"

"Yes I'm fine, and I've listened to everyone of them. I need to know though Spencer... What happened? Were you ever going to tell me?"

I hear him sigh over the phone and a shiver runs down my spine. I miss his voice and him. "I walked into that hospital room and saw you... I thought you looked familiar but I wasn't sure. When I arrived back at the station the Captain told me he had news on the girl I was emailing a couple years ago. I had asked him to look for this girl of my dreams. Only when he told me the name... It was you. You were going through so much. I didn't want to add anymore stress onto you."

Sighing I understand his point of view now that I've calmed down. "I understand. I was a little quick to judge."

"There is more Grace... You aren't safe. Someone is still out to get you. Have you talked to Mel?"

"What do you mean? Who's out to get me now? Is it Shane? I haven't talked to Mel yet I was going to go over and talk with her in a few."

"Grace you need to keep away from Mel. She is the one after you..."

"Spencer that's not funny. Mel and I have been friends for a long time. Why would you even dare joke about something like that?" I was becoming disgusted with this conversation quickly. I couldn't let someone turn me on my friend like him and Logan turned on each other. 

"Listen to me Grace, the reason Logan went off on me and made me confess everything is because he overheard Mel talking about everything with... Shane. She was on the phone discussing her plans to take care of you with him. Grace she set everything up." 

My heart was beating faster. Was this true? Was this even possible? This couldn't be. Mel has been there for me through everything she's always had my back. What would make her want to betray me in such a terrible way? 

"I can't believe this..."

"Listen, just tell me where you are and Logan and I will come over and he will explain everything to you. You can hear it from him directly." 

I wanted to know the truth, I wanted to know what the heck was going on. I decide to to tell him where I am as well as tell him to meet at 5 at a diner across the way. I don't want them to be here at the motel with me, I wasn't feeling safe with anyone anymore. 

I wasn't just going to let them tell me what's going on I decide to call up Mel as well and let her have a chance to tell me her side of the story. So I call her up and ask her to meet me at the same diner at the same time as Logan and Spencer to make sure I give everyone an opportunity to confess. I want answers, and I will get them even if I have to let people go from my life. 

What do you think will happen? 

How do you feel about the story? 

Do you think Mel will confess? 

  1,135  words :)

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