Chapter 18

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Spencer's POV

I couldn't believe Logan, we've been best friends for years and he goes and ruins this knowing how I feel about her. Looking at him he doesn't seem fazed or as if he even cares about our friendship imploding. Mel glances at us while I begin to shake with anger. 

"How f*cking dare you!" I grit out in anger. 

"I've done what needed to be done. We will discuss things later. I need to go." He says while looking to Mel. Something is off with him and I will get to the bottom of it. "I will see you guys another time." 

Once Logan left I looked to Mel who seemed in thought. I figured she would be torn up or more upset. "Listen if Grace isn't around, then there isn't much danger that I'm in. I think I'm going to go back to the apartment and see if she comes by there or calls." Mel says as she head towards her room in a more calm manner than expected. 

What the h*ll is going on here? Heading to my truck I wait on Mel so I can give her the ride to town like we planned before everything blew up. Sitting in the truck I stare off at Logan's house, still hurting from his betrayal. A ding sounds from my console and I glance over to my phone to see a message pop up. 

Opening my phone I see that Logan sent a S.O.S message. What is he sending an SOS out for? After what he did this morning. I don't have long to think it over since Mel walks out of the house with her bags. 

"Thanks for waiting I wasn't sure if you'd still take me after everything that's happened."

"I agreed earlier I wasn't going to back out now." After we head out I decide I'm going to head in to work later and head over to Logan to find out what the h*ll happened."

Arriving to the station I head in first to talk with the captain to let him know what's going on and trying to get him to get someone to find and keep an eye out for Grace. 

"Hey Spencer, how are things with the two lovely ladies staying at your place?" 

"About that... Things kinda hit the fan this morning."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm not sure what happened exactly. My best friend betrayed me. He made me tell Grace everything and not only that but he threw some of my past out there to make things worse, then when I was leaving he sent me an SOS. I'm baffled about what's going on."

"Sounds like there is more to it then... Why don't you head out and talk to him."

"I was going to ask to do that, so thank you. Could you check out where Grace went?" 

"Isn't her friend Mel with her?"

"That's something else as well. She took off without Mel since Mel knew about everything and didn't tell her. The thing that bothered me though... Mel didn't seem all that hurt..."

"That is odd... I'll look into some stuff and let you know."

"Thanks Captain. I'm going to head over to talk with Logan."

Exiting the office I head out of the station to head over to Logan's house. Once I arrive there I sit in the truck thinking for a minute. What would make Logan betray me? Rubbing my hand down my face, I feel the stress weighing me down. 

Opening the door to my truck I feel as though every step I take to the door the weight presses down on me more. Reaching my hand up to the door I knock and wait for the go ahead to walk in. 

"Hey glad you could make it. Come on in, we have a lot to discuss." He says to me as he glances around. "Did Mel head home?"

"Yeah she went with me to town and headed back to the apartment."

Walking into his house I head towards his living-room and take a seat on a chair in the corner. Logan takes a seat on the couch across from me and seems a little on edge. 

"What's going on man? I used to be able to trust you with my life and then you turn around and stab me in the back."

"Listen, I told you that you would thank me in the end, and once you hear what I have to say you will."

"What could be so bad that you would ruin my chances with Grace as well as sacrifice her safety? I mean we were in the war together, we had each others back. What happened?"

"This morning when I arrived... I overheard Mel talking to someone."

"How does that have anything to do with how you betrayed me?"

"Let me finish!" Looking at him I sigh and nod my head for him to continue. He takes a minute before he continues. "Look I walked in and heard her talking to someone on the phone. It wasn't good Spencer... Mel was talking with someone discussing the demise of Grace..."

"What are you talking about? Mel is Grace's best friend, are you sure you didn't hear her talking to someone about the situation?"

"She was clear. She was talking with someone about and I quote 'I will take Grace down. She crossed the wrong woman. I want Spencer, and now that I know he's the one she was talking to it makes things even worse. She will pay for what she's done. I'm tired of all these guys wanting Grace! I thought after I had Dean and you attack her I figured it would be over. NO she has to go and be little miss innocent and get the hottest guy to fawn over her!' I listened and I couldn't allow you to keep Grace there with Mel. I knew that she would turn on Mel if she knew that Mel knew about you."

I was shocked as well as afraid for Grace. Who the h*ll was Mel and what was she doing attacking and planning an attack against her so called best friend? "Your sure?" Looking at him in the eyes I see the stress and worry. "D*mn I can't believe this, she was probably talking with Shane since he was the other man who attacked Grace. I should have saw this coming in some way..." I sigh and run a hand down my face in anxiety. 

"What do you mean?"

"Well something happened while we were packing at the apartment. I thought she understood what was going on and how I felt."

"What happened?" Logan says with a hint of anger. 

"Mel kissed me once we entered the apartment. I pushed her away and that was when I explained everything to her about me and Grace... She said she had a thing for you though." 

I saw his shoulders ease after I explain the situation. "Look I don't want to see Grace get hurt... You know what happened to my sister. I see Grace as my second chance. I need to help you protect her Spencer." 

What do you think happened to Logan's sister?

What do you think of Mel now?

What do you guys think of the kiss?  

1,176 words :)

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