Chapter 3

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Spencer Williams POV

"So Lesley what do you think?" 

"What do you mean Spencer? She was raped, but to say who did it without actually seeing them. She has no ground to stand on."

Sighing I think back to her. She was so broken, you could see the life fading from her eyes. My heart thudded in my chest as I saw the beauty in her as well as a need to protect her washed over me as well as a sense of familiarity.

"She seemed pretty determined it was them."

"They are upstanding citizens. I know them, I attend their gym. She could be signally them out since they didn't accept her advances. Blame them for her rape to tear down their reputation. Not only that but Mark is my brother you really think he and his friends are capable of rape? They are gym junkies who look for thin models to please them. No offense but a girl her size has no chance with them." 

Anger washed over him at her words. Looking at her he could see why she would pass judgement on Miss. Simmons but to say her rape didn't happen because she was upset over them not liking her. That was ridiculous.

"Lesley, I think I need to find someone else to work this case with me. Your brother being involved with his friends it can cloud your judgement."

"You believe her? The girl will ruin their reputations and not only that she is crying rape over something that was probably consensual, they probably broke it off afterwards making her regret it. She isn't a victim Spencer."

Ignoring her he knew that he needed to change partners and maybe not even for just this case. Lesley wasn't a fan of victims. She prefered the rough and dirty, the chasing down suspects over solving the crimes. After being a Seal for the past 8 years. I trained for 2 years then the last 6 years was spent in the field. I have already had my fair share of chasing down the criminals. I needed a break. 

Once we arrive back at the precinct I decide to talk to the captain. "Hey Cap, can we talk?" 

"What can I do for you son?" The cap is actually a buddy of my father's they grew up together served together and worked together until my father passed from cancer around four years ago.

"It's about Wright. I think it best if I were to get a new partner. Maybe even work alone for a while if I need to. I just feel she is more suited with combat than victims."

"I always get that vibe from her myself. She's an anxious one, I thought maybe working with you might settle her some, but I guess not. Right  now we don't have any extra's to spare she's going to take the only cop without a partner.. I trust you to work alone son. Given your background you could do better on your own I think." Laughing he gestures to the chair for me to sit. 

"Is there something else you'd like to discuss Cap?"

 "Yes well you remember when you asked me to check something out for you once you returned home about 6 months ago? The girl you tried to find. VoluptuousKitten?"

I felt the red slowly creep up my neck at the mention of her name. God how I miss her messages, how I miss those pictures as well as knowing she was waiting for me to return two years ago. "Yes? Did you find something?" 

"Well tech guys said that there was activity on the account just recently starting around a month and a half ago. She surfaced. I know you had been waiting to see if she would return to her account, she did. They finally were able to trace her."

He paused, staying silent watching me. The nerves built inside me at the idea of finally seeing my VoluptuousKitten again. I remember her face slightly.  She was gorgeous, she had curves as well as thickness. She wasn't a supermodel by any means and I loved it. She loved barbeque ribs and sweets. She always said she had a sweet tooth and baked almost religiously. God how I couldn't wait to taste her bake goods. 

"Well Cap? Tell me." 

"Her name is Grace Simmons, she is 24 and lives with her best friend from college Melissa Darling."

"Wait...." Pulling out my notepad I look through everything and finally get to what I needed to see. Sh*t my vic was my dream girl. My girl was just raped and it was by my partner's brother's friends! The color began to drain from my face. How could I not keep her safe. I returned home to finally be able to find her and be with her only to be too late to be with her and for some lousy scum to rape her. 

"What is it son?"

"The lady we just met with about the rape.... That was Grace Simmons...."

"Wait.... So the girl you've been looking for was just raped?"

"Yeah and the men who did it might be Officer Wright's brother's friends and partners. Officer Wright blew the rape off as if Grace just regretted sleeping with them after they turned her down. That is why I requested to have a new partner or work alone. She doesn't do well with victims. Now I know why she seemed familiar."

"Well son, seeing as you are partnerless. You may want to talk to her alone as well as figure things out for your plans ahead. She is going to be a tough one seeing as she just was raped. She may find it hard to trust men again."

Sighing I decide to head home, I'll head back to her place tomorrow once I know she is released. Then I will get more information from her. 

"I'm going to head out for the rest of the day, shift is over, and I'll head over to her place to discuss things further with her tomorrow."

"Sounds good son. Take care of her. I never trusted Mark and his friends, Officer Wright has always protected them though. Take caution when going at them."

"Understood Cap."

Heading out I decide to head home to rest and think everything over. How is it that when I finally find Grace she has been raped and is one of my victims? How is that she landed at my doorstep?

What do you think of Spencer and Lesley now? 

Did you guess it? Spencer being Mr. Mysterious? 

Let me know what you think :)

1,085 words :)

For one of my favorite series that's completed go have a look at 

Lexi's Undoing neverfakeit

The story is a little mature, but it will reel you in. The story gives a different side to the Greek Gods and provides you with a can't put it down story-line. This author is definitely a master of her trade. Go check out neverfakeit! 

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