Chapter 13

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Grace's POV

I was feeling a little... I wasn't sure how to describe it. Watching Spencer leave with Mel left a bad taste in my mouth as well as a terrible feeling in my stomach. Breathing through my nose to calmly ask without puking where the restroom was again since I was about to be sick. 

"Where's the restroom again?" I ask Logan as he looks at me with concern. 

"You look a little green there Grace, you ok? It's down the hall second door on the left."

Leaving Logan to find the bathroom I can feel my stomach twisting in agony. I barely make it to the toilet before everything starts coming up. My head throbs as I release everything, which actually turns out to be very little, I begin to dry heave. 

A knock sounds at the door and Logan opens it looking a little bashful from what I can see in between the heaving. 

"I've brought a few things to help." He say's as he wets a washcloth and placing a water bottle and some aspirin on the counter. Walking over he grabs my hair and pulls it back, what I didn't notice was he had a hair tie around his wrist that he places in my hair so he can wet my forehead with the cloth. 

The relief I feel from the cold cloth is amazing and I'm absolutely grateful or it. "Thank you Logan. "I whisper to him as the heaving dies down. 

"I had an older sister who had to go through all of this. She taught me how to help my future wife or girlfriend for when the time came."

"He told you?" I ask Logan, baffled that Spencer would tell someone. 

"He has mentioned to me about the case, asked my opinion on how to handle some things as well as some routes to go to get the guys." Looking at Logan I can see he's hiding something but I'm grateful that he was able to help Spencer... Even if I'm a little upset he told someone my information. 

"Don't get that look... The look of regret, doubt and hurt. He did it because he cares and he wants to make sure who did this pays. He didn't tell me anymore than he needed to I promise, and I can guarantee that I'm the only one he told. I'm like his sounding board."

Nodding my head I decide to get up, feeling a little weak Logan helps me up and takes me to the sink. Reaching into the drawers he find a spare toothbrush and some mouthwash handing them to me along with some toothpaste. 

"My sister said it always helps to remove the taste of the sick in order to help ease your stomach." Smiling at Logan and his wonderful and kind gestures I shoo him off as I clean myself up. 

Once I finished brushing my teeth I took an aspirin and drank some water. "SMALL SIPS!" I hear Logan shout from the hall and can't help but to let a small laugh out at his amazing abilities. 

Walking out I find Logan in the kitchen and toast pops out from the toaster, he begins to butter the bread and plates it. Turning to me he grins that boyish grin of his. "I made you some toast, it seems your stomach was empty before trying to release an organ from within. Let's get you some toast on that tummy so it will settle it a bit." Smiling at him and his humor I walk over and take a seat at nook and take the toast. 

"Thank you, today has been beyond rough. I'm not sure what to feel anymore honestly. I do want to say though I'm extremely grateful that you are here and that your older sister taught you all these tricks. You'll make some woman really happy one day for sure."  I say before taking a bite and slowly eating the toast as to not irritate my stomach any further. 

"So are you going to keep it?" Logan asks while watching me eat. 

"I'm not sure... Do you think they look cute together?" I ask without thinking. 


"Officer Spencer and my friend Melissa... They seemed cozy on the way over. I think Mel may like him, she's always watching out for me, I hope he takes good care of her..." I whisper at the end. 

"I don't think that Spencer, which you can call him Spencer and not Officer Spencer, likes your friend all that much. He has his eyes on another girl right now." 

"Oh?" I can't help but hide the sadness I feel at both the fact that Mel's feelings may go unrequited and the fact that he likes someone else... I know a man as beautiful as him would never be interested in me. 

"Yeah, he's actually been crushing on this girl for the last two years, and he had to go searching for her recently."

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Well, Spencer had some stuff happen and so he couldn't really see her when he wanted to. Pushed things to the side so to speak. She vanished on him and he had to go hunting for her. Things haven't been the greatest with work and all for him so he hasn't been able to meet up with her yet."

"Oh..." He's been busy dealing with me and my case and he hasn't been able to meet with his dream girl. I feel my chest constrict, guilt weighing heavy on my chest while I think of all he's missing out on. 

"He doesn't regret taking this case or even helping you Grace, trust me he lives for helping the damsels in distress type." My face falls at that... Tears sprout in the corner of my eyes at that fact. I can't take care of myself... Let alone a child. Look what's happened to me in just this short amount of time. I don't know if I can handle taking care of a child on my own...

Not only that but what man would want to be with a woman who needs to be dependent on him, fearing any sound or shadow that strolls across the room. Logan begins to panic while I struggle to get out of this bad head space. Deciding that I need to take a break and get some sleep I excuse myself. 

"Excuse me Logan... I think I'm going to go pick a room and get some rest. Being sick really took the energy out of me."

"Grace you've only ate about half a piece of toast. I didn't mean anything... Please don't go I'm sorry for whatever I've said." 

"No, I really shouldn't eat that much anyways... I need to cut back as it is... I'm just tired. Don't worry Logan, and thank you again." I say almost sobbing as I take my exit. 

Walking down the hall I decide to take the farthest room on the right and shut the door. Since my clothes haven't arrived I strip my clothes and climb into bed just wearing my bra and underwear. 

Tears fall from my face as I dwell on all the bad things. My weight, my attacks, being so weak that I can't take care of myself. I can't shut my brain off, my chest hurts and my head hurts from all the tears. I just lay there and feel numb... 

What do you think of Logan now?

Do you think that she will fall for Logan? 

Do you think Spencer and Mel could be a thing? 

How do you cut your toast? #1, #2, or #3

  1,240 words  

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