Chapter 2

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A shaking wakes me, sounds of sirens as well as screams in the cool crisp air stirs me from my haze. "Grace!" Mel's voice sounds out in the night air pulling me out from the haze faster than the light shining in my eyes. 

"Mel." My voice croaks as I feel a pounding in my head. 

"Ma'am I need you to remain still, you have a lot of injuries as  well as a possible concussion, please remain still."

"I need Mel." I croak out desperate for my friend. 

"I will have my partner get her for you, you need to stay still though." Soon he is whispering to I'm assuming his partner as he continues tending to whatever he can while they prepare to lift me on the stretcher. 

"Grace! My God what happened to you?" 

"Dean and Shane. They called me a tease. They.... They...." I couldn't continue, they raped me and beat me until I was unconscious. My chest tightens at all the emotions I'm feeling. Why did they do this to me? 

"No! I'm going to kill them!" She fumes beside me as I cry. My body is soon lifted to the stretcher as they then wheel me to the ambulance. Mel follows behind the medics in worry as well as anger. 

The ride to the hospital was a blur, I was in and out of consciousness, seeing as they figured I may have a concussion they tried to keep me awake. 

"Grace, I am so sorry. I should never have encouraged you to go out. This is all my fault. I wanted you to forget about him and try and live yet look what happened!? You lost a piece of you that you were saving. I'm so sorry." Mel sobbed and berated herself the whole way to the hospital. 

I couldn't feel anything still, I was crying over the pain they inflicted, but I couldn't seem to feel anything over what happened. Everything felt like I was drowning in a haze, no light or sound. All was void. I was succumbing to the darkness once again and I couldn't stop myself. 

They took something I was saving, something that meant the world to me. I was trying to save that piece of me for someone that I loved. I didn't want some nameless face or these douchebags to take that from me, yet they did. 

Once we arrived at the hospital everything was a rush, they began to work on me while I remained silent with tears, nodding as an answer to any questions they asked. They took care of all my wounds as well as asked me if I would like a rape kit. I of course nodded. Those b*stards would pay for what they did to me. The one question they asked me though killed me inside. 

"Would you like the morning after pill?"

"What?" I croak out. I wasn't on birth control seeing as I wasn't active and had no love interest. Not only that but didn't they use condoms? 

"We found seminal fluid, there  could be a chance of pregnancy if you chose not to have the pill."

"I..... they didn't use a condom?"

"I'm sorry ma'am but no they didn't. This is a lot to take in under these circumstances. I understand this, we can send you with the pills to take later if you choose to once everything has settled."

I couldn't say or do anything. It was worse than what I had ever imagined. How could this happen. I lost my virginity to being raped and not only that, they didn't use protection. 

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