Chapter 24

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Sorry about the late posting, my daughter started school last Tuesday and as I've said I was going to home-school her. So I've been getting a little less sleep and it may take me a minute to get into the groove of things, so please be patient. :) I don't want to rush it. I want to write and give you all that I can rather than rush and give you something sloppy because I'm focused on something else. I will work towards finding a happy medium in teaching her, working and writing. Much love to you all and THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! <3

Grace's POV

I felt empty at this point, I've been here going on what seems to be three days. The torture that I've endured from Shane has broke me both physically and mentally. They have released me from the ropes, but at a price. They manipulated me... tricked me and teased me. They allowed me to believe that I could be free only to be waiting on me with some form of torture. I went to leave the room at one point when it was dead silent. Not one sound could be heard, I looked through the bottom of the door and no one was there. I was cautious, but not enough. Shane was waiting just outside the door of the house in a chair facing me from the corner. He smiled so wickedly that it sent shivers down my spine. 

He tortured me, I can still feel the marks he made on my body... his hands... and more. I was broken, empty, and that is what Mel wanted. She has won, I feel nothing I lay here in the corner watching the door at this point and feel as if eternity has passed and in reality it's just going on the fourth day. I was drained, hungry and in pain. I'm not sure if Mel wants to keep the baby or force me to lose the baby at this point I don't know and I think she may not know either. 

The door creaks as I notice Mel walk in, she hides in the shadows inciting fear in me as she walks slowly to me. "Rise and shine B*tch." As she reaches me she kicks my legs that are in front of me as a form of a shield. "Shane's out today so you get a break... For now. Let's get to business I haven't decided if I want to keep that Devil spawn of yours or if I want to abort it to torture you just as your father did me. I want to know which would hurt you more? The idea that your child is out there living without you, with me or the idea that I kill it while it's living inside you? Let you feel it slowly die on the inside?"

Tears trickle down my face as my stomach drops at either idea. I would rather live in a world knowing that my child is still alive, than a world where I know that my child has been murdered. Looking up into the cold eyes of Mel I know that I need to lie to her to ensure the safety of my child. "I wouldn't be able to live knowing I couldn't have my child... That you took my child from me and kept it as your own." I let a sob out knowing that I would rather know my child is safe than dead. 

"Well it's decided then, I'll let you give birth, take the child away from you." Soon we hear noises coming from downstairs. It sounds as if the door was busted open, making both Mel and I to jump. 

"What the h*ll?" Grabbing me up by my arms she puts me in front of her while watching the door. I cower in her hold as I dread what could possibly be going on. I've been her for days now giving up hope that anyone would find me, but I feel a slight tinge of hope coming as we wait and listen.  

Soon there is someone at the door, dear grips at my chest as we watch the door open and reveals a man in a uniform with a gun in hand aimed right at my head. 

"Let her go, we have the place surrounded." The man says to Mel as her grip tightens on me, I also begin to realize she has pulled something from behind her... A knife that is now poised to my stomach. "Found the suspect, she has the girl with a knife positioned to the girls stomach." Soon we hear more shuffling from the stairwell and in comes Spencer and a few others. 

"Mel, you won't make it out of here alive if you don't let Grace go." Spencer tries to reason with her only for Mel to push the knife into me a little more eliciting a gasp from my lips as tears flow more freely. "I'm so sorry Grace." He whispers as he notices the pain and fear in my face. 

"I want to walk out of here, I want a vehicle or I will gut her here and now. I would rather die then let her escape again." 

Looking Spencer in the eyes I nod accepting my fate. Mouthing the words I tell him not to do it. I would rather them take her in than let her keep me prisoner. I can't allow her to continue. I slam my head back into Mel quick and fast stunning her as her grip loosens on me and I land on the floor hard smacking my head against the wood. 

"Hands up Melissa!" I hear the men shouting as they charge the room and soon I see Mel's face on the floor next to mine, the hatred in her eyes as she looks at me makes me shiver. I never thought that this would happen to me. I truly never knew of the dark secrets she hid from me. 

My eyes begin to feel heavy and I feel the faintest hope of safety now that they have Mel in custody. Spencer's face is before me, his words though are like a fog I can barely understand him as he looks to be talking to me. I feel him lift me into his arms and I grip onto his shirt while he carries me out of the house, my head feels heavier with every step he takes. Once we reach what appears to be an ambulance I begin to shake as I see the people around me. Fear crawling down my skin as everyone around looks at me as well as tries to get close to look at me. 

Screaming out I feel myself shaking and clinging to Spencer as he holds me tighter and shoos everyone out of the back end of the ambulance and climbs in with me in his arms as they close the doors with us in the back alone. Once I finally feel safe in his arms with no one around I let go... let myself relax for the first time in days and sleep. 

So as you have read at the beginning I am working on homeschooling my daughter. It's been a learning experience for me, my child is very active so I have to break the day up throughout to help keep her attention.   

I won't post a chapter just to post, I've been slowly working on this chapter since right before she started school, I wanted to ensure that I gave you a good chapter. I want to give my best to this story not rush it or push out bogus chapters just to post. 

So I ask of you to bear with me while I work through this process and get a rhythm. 

I appreciate all your support my loves <3 you are what makes me desire to write for you and give you the best chapters I can without rush. I keep you all in my thoughts while I write, hoping to give you the best I can. 

So what did you think of the chapter? 

Where do you think Spencer is? 

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