Chapter 4

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Grace Simmons POV

Waking up the next morning I still felt numb. I just wanted to go home and curl up in a ball and wait for death. That isn't me though, I have always had a positive outlook on life. My father and mother met in church, he was a Minister. I was born and raised in the church until my daddy passed on when I was 16. I always felt that God had been punishing me. Why take my father who was a good man who did the work of the lord? After a few years I finally understood that God was testing me. I had failed then but I refused to fail now. Even though I was raped, even though  they didn't use protection, I can stay positive. I made it out alive and even though there might be a child coming out of the horrible situation I can say that it was a blessing to bring innocence out of  the innocence that I lost. 

"Hello hunny how are you feeling? Ready to head home?" Questioned the nurse as she checked my chart and vitals. 

"I'm ready to head home and get back to work tomorrow."

"You may want to rest the next few  days, your head may feel funny or even hurt alot."

"I'll be fine, thank you." 

"Alright if you want to go ahead and call your ride you will be discharged here in about half an hour."

"Thank you." Once the nurse left I decided to go ahead and call Mel. 

"Morning Grace, how are you? Are they discharging you?"

"Yeah the nurse said I'll be free to go in half an hour."

"Sounds great I'll head there now with your clothes and to take you home."

"Thank you Mel."

After hanging up I decide to head into the shower that is located in my room. I need to clean myself before I put on other clothes. Heading in the shower I clean myself quickly. Once I'm home I will take a more thorough shower there and take my time. Heading out of the shower I hear a knock on the door. 

"Come in" Pulling the hospital gown closer to me just in case it's someone I'm not expecting.

"Hey there...... Oh.... Sorry... I called and they said you were still here and I needed to talk with you some more over the situation. I didn't mean to disturb you." Says the officer who stopped in yesterday, Officer Spencer. 

"You're fine officer. I was just getting ready to be discharged and needed a shower in order to feel ok putting clean clothes on."

"Your one of those then?"

"One of what sir?" I question him with a confused eyebrow raise as he blushes slightly.

"A clean freak, O.C.D?"

Bursting out laughing I nod my head. "Of course I can't handle a mess. It's unbelieveable how I manage to live with my slob of a best friend."

"Hey I resent that. Everything is where I need it. I can find everything easily!" Exclaims Mel as she walks in right as I brought her up. Of course her ears just had to be burning. 

"Mel you know I love you but your cleanliness is out of control. I have to be your maid and we are roommates."

Mel glances over to Officer Spencer and then turns to me with a wink. 

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