Chapter 23

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Spencer's POV

My head hurt, my chest hurt, I felt like every part of me was aching. How could I find her? She's been gone for 48 hours now. We've been looking into properties as well as trying to narrow down all the possibilities. I felt as though I was dying a slow death inside. She was meeting me, I was supposed to protect her and through all this I have barely done that job if at all. 

"Look, we will find her Spencer. I promise she will be back with you soon enough." My Captain has been trying to reassure me, but I was not having any part of that. 

"I need to talk with Dean and Mark, they might know where she is and they may have more information." 

The Captain sighed shaking his head but finally agreeing. "Look I know we've passed the 48 hour mark, things are going to get tougher here on out. Time is counting down. I will allow one to take a deal or plea for some information. Reduced sentence, they will have to do time, but maybe not as much. Get whatever information you can." 

Nodding my head I decide to go after Dean first in hopes that he won't take the deal and I can get Mark to cut a deal for his sister. Heading down I ask for them to send Dean to one of the interrogation rooms. Waiting for them to bring him in I sit down and try to figure out a way to break him. 

"What do you want now Spencer? Little b*tch say I did more? I didn't!" He yells as they deposit him in his chair anger seeping from every pore on his body. 

"No, I actually want to give you an opportunity to take a deal or plea for some information." 

The shock on his face is expected. "She went through with it." I hear him mumble, the words bringing shock to me. 

"You knew?" I questioned him, anger and shock filling me heart. 

"If it's what I'm thinking your here for then yes I knew, that's why I volunteered to be the r*pist. I didn't want to be apart of what she has planned now."

"What does she have planned now? Why didn't you come forward before?"

"Whatever happens to the little b*tch she deserves. I am up for some revenge but I don't want to be apart of what Mel has planned now. That's why she has Shane, he's the sick one."

"Your going in circles. What are you talking about?"

"I don't care what deal or plea you want me to make, but I'm not taking it. I'm safer in these cells than out there with the two of them roaming around." 

"If we catch them then they will be in there with you." I try to reason with him. 

"Nice try, you won't be able to catch them, at least not alive." With that I get the guards to escort him back to his cell and ask them to bring me Mark. 

Once they bring Mark in he doesn't lift his head, keeps his eyes on the floor or the table. "I have an opportunity for you Mark, you have a chance to take a plea or deal to knock down your sentence."

"She took her didn't she?" He whispers. 

"You know Mel and what she's planning don't you?" I question him as my heart is breaking. We could have stopped this, prevented it, yet they held this information from us. 

"I was hoping to stop her, keep her from hurting her. If Grace lost the baby or was hurt really bad then Mel would have backed off... I tried to keep her and Mel apart, I tried to save her..." He trails off. 

"So attacking her and scarring her once more you felt that was how you could save her?" 

"Look, you don't know what Mel and Shane have planned for her. Mel wants to take Grace's baby, and Shane wants to use her. He's a masochist. He wants to torture her and mutilate her while r*ping her! They are evil!"

My chest constricts at the news and fear boils in my stomach. "What!?" 

"Yes, Mel plans on either killing Grace's baby or taking that baby from her. She want's to hurt Grace for whatever he father did to her. So however Grace felt about that baby is how Mel will plan on destroying her life." 

"Where are they!? Where did they take her?" 

"I want to take the deal, I want it in writing and I want protection." Nodding my head we get the paperwork in order. Once everything is signed he finally gives us the information. 

"She's taken Grace to her father's old farm house. That's all I can tell you, I don't know more than that." 

Once they take Mark back to his cell and I get with my Captain to tell him the news. "They took her to Mel's father's farm house. The... The things that Mark said... the plans they have for her are not any good Capt. They are  planning on taking her baby and Shane is planning on being a Sadist and torturing and r*ping her." 

My Captain visibly pales at the revelation. My chest constricts with anxiety, who knows how long we have. "Let's get a team together. We don't know how long she has, we're already coming up on the 72 hour mark." With those words everything becomes havoc, everyone rushing around getting things together before we head out. 

Logan strolls up to me wearing some gear, confusing me seeing as he's just a civilian now. "What's going on Logan? How are you going along?"

"I decided to join up, I'm helping with the teams navigation and direction. I'm going to be everyone's... wait for it... EYE'S and ears brother." Grinning like a fool I let a small chuckle escape at his antics. 

"Wow, bet that made your day then didn't it?" 

"You know I could never leave you out there on your own after all this. I never meant to get in between you, but I needed to try and help her as well. I've known how important she is and I will be there very step of the way to bring her back and keep her safe." 

Smiling at my best friend and a man that was practically my brother we fist bump and do a quick man hug before we head out to the trucks and head out with the rest of the crew to get my lady back. 

Grace... I swear with all that I am, you will never go through something like this again. I will protect you with my life even if you don't like it. Soon my little Grace I will have you in my arms safe once more... 

What do you guys think? 

I've been watching House, catching up from the beginning. I love this show! Anyone ever watched it? What do you think? 

What do you think is going to happen? Will he he make it in time? Will Grace be safe? 

       1,139 words :)

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