"Hey." Harry said softly walking into the room seeing Niall nearly asleep. "Hey where's lou?" Liam asked sitting up and accepting the tea from harry. "Asleep on the sofa fell asleep on the way home from the park and I don't want to wake him." Harry said and Liam nodded. "Don't let him sleep for long though as he won't sleep tonight otherwise as he doesn't need as much sleep anymore." Liam said gently playing with Niall's hair. Harry nodded. "How you feeling Ni" Harry asked. "not good" Niall whispered. "What wrong Ni sweetie" Harry asked.

"Just don't feel right." Niall whispered. "At least your talking I haven't heard your voice yet today." Liam said running his hand through Niall's hair "What doesn't feel right is it just your throat or is your tummy bothering you" Harry asked. "Throat, feels funny and it really hurts." Niall whimpered. "Even with the spray?" Liam asked. "Yeah, not as much but still hurts really badly." Niall whimpered and Liam sighed.

"Awww my poor baby, want some soup that might help" Harry asked. Niall just shrugged so Liam nodded answering for him as if he could get some food into Niall then it might make him feel slightly better.

Niall was snuggled into his papa when he started coughing again. "Oh Ni." Liam said rubbing Niall's back and once the coughing had eased Niall looked up at Liam with tears in his eyes. "Hurts." Niall managed to get out burying himself under the duvet. "I know baby the soup dad is making should help." Liam soothed.

Harry smiled and went downstairs to see if they had the ingredients to make chicken soup Harry soon discovered that they did have everything and he was about half way through when Louis came walking into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Lou, want help?" Harry asked and the boy nodded before pushing a chair over and climbing onto it so he could reach. "What you making?" Louis asked. "Chicken soup." Harry responded and Louis just nodded. "What you want me to do" Louis asked. "You can stir it" Harry said. Louis happily stirred the soup glad to know he was helping. "Is this for everyone?" Louis asked. "Well it's mainly for Niall as I was planning on doing fish fingers and chips for everyone else but you can have this instead if you want."

"No no no, want fish fingers Daddy." Louis said quickly and Harry smiled at the boy. Once Harry had all the ingredients in the soup and Louis had stirred it, Harry got the lid and passed it to Louis to put on after to leave to cook on a low light. Harry then started on everyone else's dinner.

"How many fish fingers do you want baby?" Harry asked. "2 please daddy." Louis said climbing down from the chair he'd been standing on. Can you put eight on this tray for me then" Harry said as he moved the chair over and passed Louis the fish finger packet over to Louis. Louis nodded taking the box pouring the whole box out before pushing 8 to one side and then putting the rest back.

"Clever boy." Harry said taking the box back and helping Louis pour out enough chips for everyone before placing the tray into the oven to cook. Harry set the timer and then checked the soup. "Me do anything else" Louis asked. "Not at the moment lou, but when the soups done you can help me bring it up to Niall." Harry suggested and Louis nodded climbing onto Harry's lap for a cuddle while they waited. Harry cuddled Louis while they waited for the dinner to be cooked and decided to put the TV on in the back room.

"Do you want anything in particular on lou?" Harry asked but the boy shook his head content with just cuddling at the moment. Harry found a cartoon programme and cuddled the boy till the timer went of "Right up you get lou." Harry said causing Louis to sigh but slide off Harry's lap following him into the kitchen Harry served the fish fingers and chips . He then checked if the chicken soup was ready. Louis happily sat down with his food while Harry went to get Liam and Niall.

"Hey you two I've got dinner done downstairs do you want me to bring it up or you coming down?" Harry asked and Liam shrugged. "What do you think Ni?" Liam asked. "Down." Niall whispered and Liam nodded gathering the boy was bored of just the one room so picked him up and carried him downstairs. "Thought you weren't carrying me anymore." Niall croaked and Liam chuckled. "I think since your poorly I can make an exception." Liam said and Niall just nodded resting his head on Liam's shoulder. The boy was quite big and heavy but Liam didn't care this once.

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