
Kirito jogged over to the buggy and I was about to follow when Sinon stopped me by the arm.


Maverick:Sup? careful out there,okay?

I smiled at her rubbed her head.

Maverick:Do you even know who your talking to?

Sinon chuckled and smiled at me and we fist bumped before heading out to our positions.


Kirito and I stood in the middle of the desert.

Kirito:So,this is it huh?

Maverick:Seems so.

There was a awkward silence between us.

Kirito:Hey Maverick?


Kirito:I'm really glad I became friends with you.

Maverick:Is this a confession?My,what would Asuna say?


I looked over to Kirito and we fist bumped and then we heard a gunshot.

Maverick:On your guard.

I began surveying the area until I saw bullet coming straight for Kirito.

Maverick:WATCH OUT!

After pushing Kirito I dodged the bullet as it grazed my helmet.I noticed Yamikaze standing there and I started shooting at him with my pistol.He rolled behind a rock and I kept firing to keep him pinned down and then I saw a Sniper bullet hit behind the rock and saw DEAD above it.

Sinon Pov


I looked through my scope and saw Death Gun prone taking aim and shooting at Maverick as he dodged bullets.


I aimed at Death Gun and he noticed my bullet line and quickly switched to me and we fired at each other simultaneously and destroyed each other's scopes of our rifles.I saw Death Gun abandon his rifle.

Sinon:You better not die Maverick....

Y/N Pov

I kept shooting at Death Gun and grazed his shoulder and then he pulled out a estoc and clipped me in the shoulder.


Sugu Pov

I noticed Y/N was panting.


Aki:Don't worry he's okay.I know it looks bad,but he's not in danger.His heart beat spiked is all.

I looked at the MMO stream as Maverick and Kirito faced off with Death Gun.I noticed Death Gun's screen name was Sterben.

Sugu:Sterben?Isn't it Steven?

Aki:It's not.

Sugu:What do you mean?

Aki:It's a german word.I know it.It's a medical term we use,it's pronounced "shu-tár-bun"


Aki:It means,to die,in hospitals,we used that word when a patient passed away.


I looked between the screen and Y/N as he panted.

Y/N Pov

We stared Death Gun down as he held his estoc.

Kirito:That's a interesting weapon you got there.If i'd known where metal swords were in GGO,I would've gotten my hands on one.

Death Gun:You've should've done your homework before logging in,Black Swordsman.I made this weapon with my creation skill.It can't be longer or heavier but it does the trick.

Maverick:Eh,i'm not one for flimsy blades.

Death Gun:Maverick,I see you have proficiency in guns.Still as psychotic as usual?

Maverick:You know it.

Death Gun:Ha!You're attacks are slow,if the old you saw he would just laugh at that pitiful excuse.

Maverick:The old me?Seems like someone still living in the past.Do you roleplay every night thinking your still a part of Laughing Coffin?

Death Gun:You remember?I'm impressed,but you're not so different from me.I may be a genuine red player but you killed so many players but still only was a orange player.I bet you tried to forget it,all those lives you could've spared.

Maverick:Hate to break it to you pal but,I live with my decisions.And I know that you don't have any special powers either.All you do is spout edgy sayings from that retarded mask.

Death Gun:How did those players die then?

Maverick:You learned the players addresses from watching them put it in at the governor's office.You had another or multiple people scope out the competition's addresses and broke into their apartment and timed the shot in the game along with them injecting the player with a drug,killing them,making it look like it was heart failure.Once the Ministry of Internal Affairs has your SAO name, your finished.

Death Gun:You've think you've got it all figured out don't you?But you don't and you can't stop me.Want to know why?Because I know that you'll never remember my handle was.

Maverick:Is it because I didn't want your handle?

Death Gun:What?

Maverick:You don't think I don't remember when you were gonna tell me your handle but you know what I said?I said I don't care because even if I knew your handle you should be lucky you didn't get executed by me.You want to know where your god is?He's right here...

I pulled my combat knife out it's sheath and did a slitting gesture.

Maverick:...And he's fresh out of mercy.

Death Gun:I can't wait to watch you helplessly lay there as I kill your friend and that girl.And...YOU CANT STOP ME!

Death Gun charged at Kirito and he quickly jabbed him in the chest.



Death Gun:Stings doesn't it?This is made from the best metal in the game.It's armor plating...from a space battleship.Hahahahaha!

Death Gun removed his estoc from Kirito's chest as he fell to the ground showing a dead icon.

I kicked Death Gun across his face catching him off-guard as he stared me down as I twirled my knife.

Maverick:I'm gonna gut you like the pig you are,degenerate.

The Maverick(Sword Art Online X Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن