Harry had woken and Liam wasn't there so he got up to see where he was. "What's going on?" Harry asked as he poked his head round the door. "Niall's finding out the hard way why you shouldn't play in the rain." Liam said sadly as Niall snuggled further into his side. "I'm going to take a good guess then and say he's sick?" Harry asked and Liam just nodded. "That would be correct." Liam said. "Anything I can do?" Harry asked but Liam shook his head.

"We're good for now love, go back to bed you need sleep." Liam said. "As do you." Harry said and Liam shrugged. "I'm alright I'll probably fall asleep with Ni in a bit." Liam reassured his husband. Harry nodded and went to bed.

Liam was glad Harry didn't fight to stay as he didn't want to make him sick again. "You don't feel sick do you?" Liam asked but Niall shook his head and Liam smiled at that. "Alright Shall we get some sleep then? You might feel a lot better in the morning." Liam said hopefully but he very much doubted it. "You stay?" Niall croaked and Liam smiled. "Course sweetie." Liam said softly as Niall snuggled further into his side closing his eyes. They both fell asleep and the house was peaceful again.

It was Harry who woke up first the next morning due to Liam's alarm and since he hadn't taken his phone with him when he went in with Niall last night Harry was the one who had to turn it off and he also guessed that he'd have to wake everyone up. Harry went to wake Louis up and got him dressed.

He told Louis to sit and watch TV for a bit while he gently woke Liam up without disturbing Niall. Liam stirred slightly but didn't open his eyes. "Li you need to wake up love." Harry said gently shaking Liam's shoulder which caused the man to groan but he did open his eyes.

"You ok to take Lou in I'm going to phone work and there is no way Ni is going in" Liam said quietly. "Yeah Course if you're sure, I can probably look after Ni if you want to go to work." Harry said. "Harry that's asking for trouble, and I don't think he's going to leave my side for a while." Liam said gesturing to the boy who was clinging onto him through his sleep.

"Do you want me to get your phone to ring work" Harry said. "No it's fine managed to get the day of to spend with you" Liam said. Harry smiled back and went to finish getting Louis ready. Once Harry had left Niall started to stir against Liam's side and the man smiled running his hand through the boys hair hoping to get him to settle back down However that wasn't the case as Niall woke up and clung to his papa. "I know baby." Liam said as the boy sniffled clearly still feeling really bad. Liam decided to give Niall another dose of medicine. "Let me Sit up Love." Liam said softly to the boy who hesitantly sat up while Liam grabbed the medicine thankful now that he brought it into the room last night. Niall snuggles back into his papa after taking his medicine. "You going back to sleep?" Liam asked and Niall nodded so Liam gently rubbed his back.

Harry went to give Louis breakfast and he only wanted a yoghurt. "You sure you don't want anything else?" Harry asked. "No daddy, just want Yogurt." Louis said and Harry sighed but nodded not wanting an argument with his Youngest. Louis happily ate his yoghurt Harry had a cup of juice and some toast. "Right I think it's time for school." Harry said once they were finished but Louis just looked at harry confused. "What about Ni?" Louis asked. "Niall's sick sweetie so he's not going" Harry explained and Louis just nodded before jumping down off his chair and heading off to put his shoes on.

Harry was happy that Louis was happy about going to school. When Louis was ready he jumped up and happily took Harry's hand before the pair headed for the school. Harry got Louis in his car seat and then got in the driver's seat as he drove Louis to school When they reached the school Louis happily skipped alongside Harry as they headed for his classroom. Louis ran inside when he got there. The teacher saw Harry and smiled to see him.

"Hey Harry, glad you're feeling better" the teacher said. "Thanks but typical Niall seems to have a cold or something" Harry said. "It's always one of you lot, you never all seem to be healthy." The teacher chuckled and Harry smiled. "It certainly feels like that. Louis are you going to say bye?" Harry asked the boy who was playing with Lego with his friends.

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