Extra (One Shot)

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A/N: Warning: Self harm and all that sad stuff.

This was going to be when Shota went to the training camp but then the coma idea replaced it. So I shortened and changed a bit of it and made it an extra chapter.

This is sort of like a one-shot.


---[Second Person POV]---

You took the small pill bottle from the cabinet in the bathroom. Eyes red and puffy with dark bags under them, you took two pills out and swallowed them, taking a gulp of water from your water bottle.


It was like you didn't even belong in this world.


You headed towards the bedroom, laying down on the large bed you and Shota shared.


You just wanted to sleep. The sleeping pills helped with your nightmare problems, every time.

Lying bastard.

You had told Shota that you were able to sleep now, because of him. You didn't have nightmares, so you slept basically all day, every day like you've never slept before. He believed you. This had continued for a few days now.

You pushed your hair back, staring up at the ceiling. You told yourself you would stop taking the pills, but you couldn't. You wanted to sleep, and you didn't want the nightmares to start again. They were bad for you, and you resisted taking too much for an overdose. But you didn't notice yourself taking more and more everyday.

You let him die.

You groaned. After that incident you went home and fell asleep. You had a nightmare of that incident, that boy who you so desperately wanted to save.

He was around 9, and he was dying from poison. He was attacked by a cruel villain, who killed for fun. You saw them when you were coming home from Teikou, and saw the ugly green poison on his face infecting him like a virus. The villain saw you and tried to attack you, too, but he wasn't the fighting type. He was the kind who tortured people before killing. He was used to having his victims tied and weak and unable to fight back. He said he had a grudge on the boy's family, and wanted to take out his anger on their child. You had knocked him out after he realized his poison quirk couldn't do anything to you.

You had taken out your phone to call 911, then rushed to the child to see if he was alright. He was in pain, but he managed to ask if he could use some of your energy to heal himself. He said he could transfer energy between two people to heal one of them, with their consent. You agreed, but that was when you regretted your quirk the most.

His quirk wouldn't work on you.

You couldn't help him.

You couldn't do anything.

You were basically.... Quirkless.

You sat there with him in your arms as he begged for the pain to stop. You apologized over and over again. You tried to comfort him saying that help will come soon. You heard the sirens coming as you picked him up. But it was too late. They didn't come quick enough.

The poison was too strong for the young boy to handle.

Police came and arrested the villain, thanking you. But you didn't feel like you should be thanked. You watched the boy's limp body being carried into the ambulance, but the ambulance crew slowed down when they saw him not breathing.

Insomnia [Shota Aizawa x Reader] (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now