Chapter 42

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---[Shota Aizawa's POV]---

"[L/N]-san most likely suffered from a traumatic brain injury from the villain," Doctor Motoki explained. "She also could have received a blow to the head or windpipe, or a stroke. There's a lot of reasons for her coma."

I sat silently by the bed while Motoki explained what he knew. I had gone home after hearing the news, trying to process the information. The next day I came back, wanting to know more. "But she has insomnia... and nightmares. How come she isn't waking up or screaming from those?"

"People in comas are incapable of entering REM sleep, so she won't be having dreams or nightmares."

"How long will this last?"

"We're not sure, but most likely not for longer than a month. It's more often than not coma patients wake after a few days or weeks. However...." The doctor hesitated. "It could last for a year or more.... Or never."

My tired eyes showed no expression but worry and fear. Worried that she may never wake up. Fear that she'll die in her sleep. And sleep was something she feared.

Motoki continued explaining, but I didn't take in any word of it, not that I would understand any of those medical terms he used.

"Some of our nurses have healing quirks, but they don't seem to have worked on her, so it may take longer."

"Her quirk is immunity to all other quirks," I told him monotonously.

He left after a few minutes, and I stayed by [Y/N]. I talked to her, even if she couldn't hear me. Hours passed and Hizashi, Nemuri, and other friends came to visit, including some of the students. Even [BF/N] and [M/N] came.

They were all worried for her. She had been so nice to them, befriending them all despite being a villain's friend, though most of them didn't know.

Speaking of villains, after the other heroes and students left, a blue-haired male came in with a hood covering his head. Shigaraki. After we had rescued Bakugou, the villains seemed to have disappeared. But now it seems like Shigaraki had stayed.

He immediately saw me glaring at him. He stayed silent, raising his arms to show he meant no harm. "I'm just here to visit [Y/N]."

I nodded, my hands folded together. Now wasn't the time to fight. I stared at [Y/N]. Her breath clouding and clearing the oxygen mask and her chest going up and down. I hoped this would continue. She still showed signs of life.

"Hey...." Tomura looked up at me. Since his severed hand wasn't on his face, I could tell that he was tired. His skin around his eyes were wrinkly and dull. His lips, cracked and dry, was in a frown.

"What?" I spat. "This is all your fault."

"Heroes... so quick to accuse," he muttered. "I-"

"How did you even get in here? They must have recognized you."

"Meleoron helped. He's outside right now."

"Fucking chameleon...." I muttered angrily.

"...I'm sorry."


"You heard."

"For what?"

He looked up at me with sad eyes, then to [Y/N]. He was way different from the usual villainous look. "I was too caught up in my plans. I didn't care what had happened to [Y/N] until the plan had been done. When I heard what happened to [Y/N], I regretted not worrying about her more. I even thought that she gave away our location to you heroes." He gave a dry laugh and muttered under his breath, "And she says I'm like a brother to her."

"I thought that she gave away our camp location to you villains," I said. "And I'm supposed to love and trust her."

We sat there silently, looking at the unconscious [Y/N].

Soon, Shigaraki had left, Meleoron using God's Accomplice with him to help him get out of the hospital unrecognized.

I moved [Y/N]'s hair out of her face, kissing her forehead.

Please, wake up.

Insomnia [Shota Aizawa x Reader] (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now