Chapter 17

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---[Meleoron's POV]---

It was hard to carry out the plan, because [L/N]'s quirk didn't allow her to pass through Miki's portal. So instead, I had to cover her in a blanket and use my special move with my quirk: God's Accomplice. It didn't turn [L/N] invisible, but it turned the blanket invisible, and somehow it worked to cover up [L/N]. Smart, if I do say so myself.

While Eraserhead was talking to Tomura, I had snuck out the backdoor to get out to our hideout. Katsumi had to control his Eraserhead clone, so his main body was hiding out with another of his self-clone that had the command to protect him.

Miki and Aiko were heading back to the base, while I had to carry the unconscious [L/N] all the way there. Unfair, but the reward will be worth the trouble.

Our plan had worked perfectly. We had tried to strike a deal with Stain for him to help lure out either [L/N] or Eraserhead, but he declined. However, he did allow Katsumi to make a clone of him by telling him a small secret. It was about him liking cute animals or something.

Katsumi was able to tell the clone to "act like itself", Stain, but follow the orders to bait out [L/N].

Katsumi then made a copy of a dead body since it was non-living and set up the scene. We knew that [L/N] was going to pass by that area and try to help. Aiko could tell because of her quirk to know her feelings. However we didn't expect for Eraserhead to come at that time. We had abandoned ship and Katsumi let the clones disappear.

That was when I, who was watching while using my quirk, decided to follow them and wait it out. Miki had portaled to me to help out. It was a long wait, but [L/N] soon woke and went to Tomura's hideout. We didn't know where it was since it changed so much since the last time we've been there.

It was the Perfect Plan.

Suddenly, [L/N] began thrashing around. I used part of the blanket to gag and muffle her so she wouldn't scream too loudly. I had to get back as soon as possible. Then we'll get started on the next part of the plan.


We had woken up [L/N] back at the base, which was in an abandoned apartment, of all places. The place was hit by a tornado about a year ago, but this one apartment had stayed up somehow. We had made an underground experiment room for when Katsumi wanted to practice his quirks and all. He was also a bit of a... mad scientist?

We had tied [L/N] in a locked cell room, and she had silently let us, without a fight. I didn't know what she was thinking, but she didn't really have a choice. It was four of us against one of her.

It was time to start the next part of the plan. We had prepared a long time for this, and soon we'll have [L/N] as bait.

I had changed into neater, clothes for the plan. Aiko was coming with me, while Katsumi and Miki was going to bring a [L/N] clone to bait out and capture Eraserhead.

Then, we'll be able to keep him out of the way of our mission to kill All Might. Having someone to care about was a terrible mistake he will ever have made. I laughed quietly to myself.


"We've been following him ever since that USJ incident," I said. "We knew he was up to something."

We had disguised ourselves as police, but more... experienced police.

The principal of the school, Nezu, had listened to the voice recording and our story. I had told him my quirk and showed him a picture of the Eraserhead clone talking calmly to Shigaraki. I claimed that I had took it, but since I was stalling [L/N], it was really Aiko who had took the picture when she was using her quirk on Shigaraki.

"I'm sure he's either under control of another person's quirk or he's not the real Shota," Nezu said. "He couldn't have done this. After all, he did fight hard to save the students in Class 1A. He injured himself badly being a hero."

Aiko activated her quirk, sending her feelings of distrust and anger towards Eraserhead to Nezu.

"I'm sure he changed after that incident. Don't you feel that he's been off lately?" I said.

Nezu nodded. "I suppose.... He did give the right location.... How else would someone else know?"

"You should tell the other teachers this," Aiko offered. "And the Class 1A students too."

"I'll keep Aizawa out of the school until... until we figure everything out," Nezu said hesitantly, feeling like something was wrong. "Thank you for the information."

Meleoron and Aiko bowed, then left.

"He didn't really have a temper, so the anger didn't really work," Aiko whispered when they left the room. "But it still worked."

Meleoron nodded. "Great job. Now you just have to get the rest of the students and teachers. You already have the names of the teachers memorized, right?"

"Yeah, as long as I keep repeating it over and over in my head, my quirk should work," Aiko explained. "It'll really drain my energy, so the rest of you need to get Eraserhead. Then Katsumi can make the clones and we can kill All Might."

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