Chapter 35

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"Why do I have to be 'it'?" Shota grumbled.

"You didn't just lose to me, you lost to Meleoron, Nemuri, and Hazashi," I said, laughing. "And Hazashi sucks at rock-paper-scissors!"

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" Hizashi complained. "I beat Shota after, like, the fifth time at tying!"

Nemuri and Hizashi had lost since they couldn't find Meleoron in the last few minutes, even though he was less than 5 feet away from them.

Now the five of us were playing Hide n' Seek with my excuse of "to sharpen our stealth skills" for Shota.

He reluctantly agreed, and decided he might as well hide the entire game. However, he was seeker and had to find us first before he could hide. And who knew how long that would take?

To really motivate him, I told him that I wouldn't go anywhere else, not even dinner, for today's date until he finds all of us. This made him cross his arms and pout a bit, which I thought was cute and I didn't know he could make that sort of face.

"Alright, so," Nemuri said. "Outside is open for hiding, school's first floor is open for hiding, Meleoron can't use his quirk for more than 20 seconds in a minute, game lasts 20 minutes, and I'll bet Hizashi's gonna be the first one out."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Hizashi objected.

"You're loud," I say matter-o-factly.

He huffed, the turned to Shota. "Count to one minute!"

Shota sighed and closed his eyes, then slowly started counting.

We all rushed out to different places, while me and Meleoron ran out slower.

"God's Accomplice?" he asked, reaching out an arm and a large white cloth. I nodded, smiling. I grabbed his arm and took the cloth to cover myself. Then turned the cloth invisible when Meleoron held in his breath. It was like an invisibility cloak for me. He let it out, saving it for later.

I pointed into the school, telling him to go in. He did, and I directed him to the cafeteria. It was close to the entrance of the school, but not too close.

"We can hide behind the serving table thing," I said, pointing at the place where Lunch-Rush served lunch to the students. The table was high enough for us to hide under there without being noticed. I pointed to a door in front of us. "Emergency hiding place, in the janitor's closet."

He chuckled, then nodded. I watched the doors to the lunchroom, being cautious of any footsteps.

A few minutes passed before I got bored of watching. "By the way, do you just carry a big white cloth around with you wherever you go?"

"Well, it's useful for situations like this," Meleoron answered quietly.

"Good point."

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and put s finger to my lips. Meleoron grabbed the cloth and held in his breath. We immediately turned invisible.

Looking around, I saw Shota walking through the lunchroom with Hizashi following him, looking annoyed.

I quietly laughed to myself, since Meleoron's quirk didn't affect me, they could hear me whenever. Guess Hizashi was the first one found, I thought.

"If I were [Y/N], where would I be?" Shota asked to no one in particular.

Hizashi shrugged. "Why are you focusing on her? You haven't found Nemuri or Meleoron yet."

"Oh right, Meleoron!" Shota remembered. "They must be together using his quirk!"

"What quirk?" Hizashi questioned. "I thought he could just turn invisible and you can't sense him with any senses except smell?"

Meleoron suddenly tapped me. His 30 seconds were probably already up soon. We slowly opened the janitor's closet where it was small and cramped.

Going in silently, Meleoron let out his breath and we returned visible. "I didn't tell Nemuri or Hizashi about the God's Accomplice," Meleoron whispered to me.

"I see."

It was really hot and cramped in the closet with all the broom and mops. I was surprised there weren't anyone with a quirk that could auto-clean things or make something that could do that. A few seconds passed.

Just then, I heard footsteps come close to the door. Panicking, I grabbed at Meleoron, with the cloth on top of me, signaling him to use his quirk. However, I slipped on the wet floor with a sign next to it, ironically, saying "Caution: Wet Floor!"

I fell on top of Meleoron, making a loud bang.

The door opened, revealing a surprised Shota. He looked even more amused at the situation he was seeing: me on top of Meleoron with a large cloth half-covering me.

Our faces turned red, and I quickly got up. "I-it's not what it looked like!"

"Found you," Shota said simply, then walked out.

Hizashi was waiting at a table, fixing his hair. He looked up when Shota came out and saw me and Meleoron. "Darn, so you were there," he mumbled, a hairband in his mouth.

"Last is Nemuri," Shota said.

I stared at him, wondering if he was going to say anything about what had happened. It was just me falling on top of Mel, but from his perspective it could be seen as... weird.

I looked to Meleoron, and he just shrugged. We followed Shota through the rooms as he sniffed the air for a scent of perfume.

We found Nemuri in a tree outside where Meleoron had hid.

"I'm surprised I was the last one found," she said. "I thought Meleoron would be."

"I was hiding with [Y/N], so it kinda backfired," Meleoron said.

We laughed, then continued with the next game with Hizashi being the seeker.

I followed Shota this time, making sure he was actually playing.

"Why are you following?" He kept trying to shake me off.

"Shota, this is still a date," I said. "We're together."

"And you decided to hide with Meleoron?"

"He offered." My cheeks turned pink, remembering what he saw.

"It's fine, you just fell."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't think what you thought I was thinking."


I continued following him until he came to the back of the school. There was the school pool there, along with a room for pool equipment. "Here." He pointed at the room with school swimsuits and beach balls.

We got in together, the room big enough for both of us, but slightly cramped from all the equipment. We sat down, leaning our backs against the walls. It immediately got dark when we closed the door.

"You'd think a school this big would have at least bigger storage rooms," I commented.

He nodded. "You have a timer?"

I nodded, then took out my phone and set the stopwatch. A few minutes passed before I saw Shota drifting off.

"Hey." I nudged him. "Don't fall asleep. It's only been, like, 5 minutes and you're bored already?"

"There's nothing to do but wait."

"...20 questions?"

He raised an eyebrow at me. "You really are childish."

"Hey, you said you were bored."


"I get to know more about you and you get to know more about me."

"You already told me a lot about yourself."

"What's my favorite color?"

".... You never told me."

Insomnia [Shota Aizawa x Reader] (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now