Chapter 38-T for Tulip.

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"Woohoo!" Innana yelled from the parachute in the sky.

"Innana be careful!" Savvina yelled.

"Hey babe!" Kit yelled.

Era chuckled waving at her girl. "Let her have her fun mama bear."

Savvina glared at her. "Call me that again and I'll rearrange your teeth."

"How about I do yours first?" Era asked.

"Can both of you tone down the testostrone...or Oestrogen. I think." Stephen said from the front of the speed boat that Rika was driving.

The demon and the Latina looked at him like he was crazy.

"I think I'll just be quiet now."

"Good choice hun." Rika said

"I'm so tired of this can we go back to the a real boat. Like one that has food and air conditioning." Stephen said.

"For once I agree with him." Era said.

"Well it's your girls holding us back." Rika said.

"Hey! Girls, could you like come down we're all tired!" Stephen said.

"What! Are you crazy?! We're just getting started!" Kit yelled.

"My skin is cooking under his sun so please come down." He whined.


"Oh come on Kit. Let's be considerate. We could always come back later." Innana said.

The Chinese girl rolled her eyes. "Fine."

"Ok. We're good. Bring us down!" Innana yelled.


"No way!" Kit laughed.

"Yes way! We walked in on them and she was like 'I'm finishing. We are finishing'." Rika said.

"Then I walked in and I was scared." Stephen said.

Innana's face was bright red. She was more than embarrassed as Rika dished out the unfortunate event on the morning of her baby shower. The six friends were on the deck drinking and listening to music while a show was being put on by dancers in grass skirts.

"But she did stop." Savvina said.

"Which ended up with both of you fucking 2 hours long and me with sun burn." Stephen said.

"Oh shut up! You and your 'sensitive' skin." Innana said.

Kit fell out of her seat in her laughter. "Oh gods! My tummy hurts!"

"Kit sit down! People are starting!" Stephen said.

"So fuck what?" Kit said with a chuckle sitting back down.

"Can we stop talking about me and sex. Like it's Rika's 18th birthday after all." Innana whined.

"But you look so cute when you blush." Savvina said.

"Stop!" Innana said covering her face. "This is child harassment."

"Says who?" Rika smirked.

"Says me!"

"We need some volunteers to join these beautiful dancers." The coordinator said.

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