Chapter 14- The Demon of Death

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Savvina woke up to Suki licking her face. She opened her eyes and realized the sun was up. It must have been the early afternoon.

She got up and went into the house to get cleaned up and drove to Bea's house.

The demon banged at the girls door.

"What the fuck! Who the hell is that!" The angry British girl yelled from the other side of the door.

Savvina heard footsteps and a few seconds later the pink haired girl opened the door. Bea looked around for her friend.

"Umm...where's Innana?"

Savvina frowned. "Don't bullshit me this afternoon!" She hissed and pushed pass the girl. "Where is she? Where are you hiding her?"

"What are you talking about?" Bea asked.

"Innana! Where is she?!"

Bea walked to the couch and picked up her mug of peppermint tea. "She's not here. I dropped her at home like you said and left later."

"She left this morning and said she was coming here." Savvina said pacing around.

"Wait? Why would she leave in the morning and lie?" Bea asked and eyes the demon suspiciously. "What did you do?"

"We had a fight!"

"About what?"

"You won't understand."

"Fine don't tell me but I know where she could be." She said and smirked when the demon stopped pacing and slowly looked at her.

"Where is she?"

Bea's phone dinged.

Ana: Can you come over to the apartment?

"Check Stephens house." The British girl said with a shrug.

Savvina dashed out of the house and to her car. Bea stood up and went to change her clothes and left soon after. The demon would be back when she realized she wasn't with the French boy.



nnana laid in bed starring at the ceiling. She was actually happy that she put money aside for the apartment. She felt a kick and sat up looking at her bump.

There was a hand with all five fingers. The depressed human put her fore finger against her unborn child's.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean for this to happen. We were supposed to be a happy family. Your mom w-was supposed to talk to the bad people that want to take you away from me." She croaked out. Tears fell from her eyes making dots on her white tank top.

Bang! Bang! Bang! "Ana! Ana open the door!" Bea yelled.

Innana got of the bed and went to the front door. The pink haired girl looked at her friends tear stained face and red swollen eyes.

"Oh Innana." Innana fell into her arms crying the more. "Shhh. Its ok. Its gonna be fine. I'm here to help." Bea cooed.

Innana let out sods loud enough for people on the street to hear. Bea led them to the couch. Innana move her head away but tears were still falling.

"Its not gonna be fine. Nothing ever goes my way. Its like once I have this little pinch off happiness its dissolved in this ocean of sadness. Do you think I'm jinxed?" Innana asked through hiccups.

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