Chapter 4- The Word Bomb

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Song for chapter: This time around by Tove Lo

The next few days Innana and her new 'friend' became closer and frankly Savvina was feeling left out. Everyday Innana was "Bea this" or "Bea that". They barely spent time together. Now that Von had left, as usual, the demon was lonely but she didn't show it. She wanted Innana to have fun but she also wanted her to be safe and this was getting out of hand.

She hadn't met Bea yet but she didn't like the girl already. Innana would take Suki out instead of her as an excuse for protection so the demon could rest but Savvina didn't want to rest. She wanted to be with her girlfriend.

As the days went by the more the demon noticed changes in Innana and the human noticed them too. There were rare moments she would catch Innana wincing and rubbing her lower waist or she would complain of painful headaches, in the night she would wake up at least 3 times to pee. Savvina was worried but she didn't want to jump to conclusions. It seamed the human was still on the pills because she saw her swallow something every day.

"What are you doing after school?" Savvina asked as she waked Innana to her next class.


"Wait. Let me guess. You and Bea have plans." Savvina said

"Well...yes." Innana said nervously putting her head down.

"I don't like you spending so much more time with her than me."

"No! What!? Never! Its just that she's helping me find a job and has to take me there for the interview."

Savvina stopped in front of her class. "I could have helped you find a job."

"I didn't want-"

"To stress me. Well thanks for being considerate" the demon said sarcastically. "I'll be here to pick you up for your next class."

Innana didn't understand why she was so angry. The demon said she trusted her so why was she acting like a jealous 13 year old.


"What's the job?" Innana asked. She and Bea were heading to the place she would be working, if she got the job.

"I tried to get the best I could. You'll be playing at a restaurant as live entertainment. A friend of mine owns the place."

"Oh my God! That's great!" Innana squealed. "What time?"

"Everyday, after school till closing which is by 9."

Innana didn't like the thought of being out so late, especially on a school night.

"Can I just do it weekends from morning till around 6?"

"You'll have to talk to your boss about that as well as what you'll be paid."

"Yeah." Innana said. She looked at her phone hoping to see a text from her girlfriend but there was nothing. It was 5:30. The last time they spoke was 12:05 when Savvina dropped her at her last class and left. She didn't come back as she said she would.

"Are you ok?"

Innana sighed. "I'm fine."

Bea looked at her then back at the road. "You know you can talk to me. We're friends now."

Innana really did like Bea and she wanted to build trust with someone. "It's just Sav. She's upset with me."


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