Chapter 22- Grey skies

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Bea put on the last of Inman's make up. "There you go. All done." The British girl said and moved away looking at her handy work.

Innana looked into the mirror. Her eyes were puffy and swollen even with all the layers of make up on her face.

"What's the point. I still look horrible." She said.

Bea gave a sigh. "I agree." Innana gave her a look.


"Oh not that. I mean about...that you actually look horrible, maybe even worse." Bea said.

Innana rolled her eyes. "Great. Just wonderful." She said cleaning her face with a moist towel.

"I'm sorry. I just thought...I actually don't know what I thought." Bea aid with a blank face.

Innana looked at her friend through the mirror. The British girl was starting out the window at the grey and gloomy sky.

"What are you thinking about?" Innana asked.

Bea turned with teary eyes. Innana stood up immediately and went to sit on the bed beside her. "Hey,what's wrong?"

Bea gave a sad smile. "Today is just so emotional for me."

Innana rubbed her back. "I'm not even crying so why should you?"

"I don't know. I just want to see you happy again." Bea said.

Innana held her breath swallowing her tears. "Me too B. Me too." Innana said.

"Girls! Are you ready!?" Stephen yelled from downstairs. They were at Bea's house.

"We'll be down in a minute!" Bea yelled back.

"OK now wipe your tears pretty girl." Innana said and Bea did as she was told.


"What are friends for?- an amazing girl used to tell me that." Innana said

Bea smiled. "That girl is still amazing for your info." She said giving Innana a light punch on the arm.

"Ok. Now let's get this over with."


The drive to the grave yard was silent. Stephen drove the girl there while Savvina went earlier to make sure things were set.

To the French boys surprise they weren't going to have a church service. He wanted to ask why but didn't want to upset anyone.

But if were being honest what good was a priest with a demon baby?

Bea was already in a very gloomy mood and Innana seemed very...ok? That was the best word to use. She just had this passive look on her face.

"I hope it doesn't rain." Innana said

"Don't worry about it. We got umbrellas for everyone just in case." Bea said.

As Stephen parked the car Innana started rethinking her decision. Then she felt a hind on her shoulder and one hold her hand.

"You got this." Stephen said.

"And you got us." Bea said.

Innana gave a smile and opened the car door. She set her foot on the tarred road and stood up. Her heart was hammering in her chest.

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