Chapter 15- Whatever it takes, right?

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Tehila laid in the bed in the guest room. Bandaged and band aids decorated her light cocoa skin as well as little traces of blood.

The plumpy girl moved around in the bed to her comfortable and winced at the pain going through her body.

Savvina sat in the arm chair in the corner of the room with a glass of blood in her hand. She swirled it around in the glass and brought it to her lips.

The more she was around Tehila the more she hatted the girl, the council for doing this to her family and most of all, herself.

She kept telling herself that she was doing the right thing. It was for Innana and the baby. It didn't matter how she got the job done just as long as she got the job done, but was this really her last resort? Maybe she should try and talk to the council?

Tehila stirred wake when she felt she was being watched not that it was uncomfortable, in fact it made her happy that the demon was watching her sleep.

The naked girl in the bed opened her eyes with a smirk plastered on her face. She sat up letting the sheets fall to her waist. And she saw the demon clench her jaw and fist smashing the glass in it.

"Hey sexy. Why are you up so early? Or do you want me to fuck you back to sleep?" Tehila asked.

Savvina glared at her. Everything about the human in the bed disgusted her from the fact she was around her but most of all her voice. It was bad enough they were in each others company but the demon didn't have to hear her speak.

"I don't even understand you." Savvina said through gitted teeth.

"What's not to understand? I'm beautiful, sexy as hell and I've got a smart mouth that can do a lot more that talk."she said and winked.

"Even after all the claw marks on your thighs, all the blood I drew, the things I said, the demons I unleashed in this room, literarily. You're still here. I was this close to killing you-"

"So why didn't you?" Tehila asked.

"Because I still need you alive."

"For what?" Tehila asked.

"Now that I'm in my semi-normal s
State of mind we can talk. "

Tehila folded her arms. "About what?"

"If you give me a k-" Tehila began to laugh annoying the demon the more. "What's so funny?"

"Well for started we tried that and it don't work so either your dead down there-"

"It will work this time." Savvina said

"And what guaranties that? We fuck the same way we always have only this time your way more-."

"We've been fucking with me in this form. This form dulls my powers."

"So?...where is this going?"

" You want the old Savvina you knew but you can't have her. What you saw yesterday was Saviara not Savvina. That's who you get. It'll hurt you way more than it hurts in this form."

"What do I get in exchange for having your baby?"

"You got Savaira fucking you nonstop. That's what you wanted right?"

"Not quite." Tehila said shaking her finger. "I started thinking after you left that night. I don't only want your extremely sexy body. I want everything." Tehila

Savvina stayed quiet for while. Greedy little bitch. "Then you have me. I also started thinking after I left. Innana could never give me what I wanted. She was too fragile. if you give me a child we could be together. No Innana in the picture."

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