Chapter 10- The she Devil

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Song for chapter : Hold me down by Halsey

"It's been a week since, Innana, the local musical genus was discharged from this very hospital. Medical personnel say when she got here she was unconscious with a swollen lip and bruises around her neck and abdomen. The reason for this was not given but her friends say she is recovering fast." The news reported said.

"I don't know why they keep broadcasting this. If it was someone else they wouldn't be doing this." Innana said eating a doughnut.

She was laying on the demons chest as they watched TV. "Its local news. People started wondering what happened when you didn't show up to work on Monday."

"What ever. Its just annoying. I'm surprised they didn't announce my pregnancy."

"I was the one that told them not to." Savvina said. Her phone dinged. She looked at the message on the screen. She didn't have time for games.

Meet me at the bar.

Innana was lost in her though. She remembered the look on Donn's face when Forest held her. "How's Donn by the way?"

"She was terrified but she's ok."

When Innana was still unconscious she could hear the girl talking to her but she wasn't sure if she was dreaming or not.


"The more I watch the news the more I want to kill Forest." Savvina said. "I just don't know why you won't allow me?"

"We can't solve violence with violence. It doesn't work that way."

"He could have killed you and our baby."

"But he didn't because you saved me so drop it. I'm here, aren't I?"

"It still doesn't mean. I'm getting a restraining order against him."

"I wouldn't mind but what keeps bugging me is how he knew I was pregnant."


"She didn't tell him. She said he's been acting strange lately." Innana said.

"Too bad. That's not our problem. Our problem is keeping you away from him at all cost."

Savvina looked at her phone again. She wanted to stop all of this now. She was fed up with it.

"Can you get me a glass of juice?" Innana asked.

Savvina got up and went to the kitchen. "Apple or orange?"

"You know I hate apples."

The demon walked back into the room with a glass of orange juice. "But an apple a day keeps the doctor away."

"Thank you and I don't like them end of story."



"I need to go somewhere. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Innana looked at the demon. She was acting weird. "Ok. On your way can you pick up some chips."

"Sure." Savvina kissed the top of her head, grabbed her jacket and left. "Bye!"



Savvina walked into the bar with her head down and shades on. She went to the far dim corner and sat down.

"I don't have time so what do you want?" Savvina asked.

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